
style loader module for webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

style loader for webpack


Documentation: Using loaders

Simple API

// => add rules in file.css to document

It's recommended to combine it with the css-loader: require("style!css!./file.css").

It also possible to add a URL instead of a css string:

// => add a <link rel="stylesheet"> to file.css to document



When using placeholders (see css-loader) the module exports the placeholders object:

var styles = require("style!css!./file.css");
style.placeholder1 === "z849f98ca812bc0d099a43e0f90184"

Reference-counted API

var style = require("style/useable!css!./file.css");
style.use(); // = style.ref();
style.unuse(); // = style.unref();

Styles are not added on require, but instead on call to use/ref. Styles are removed from page if unuse/unref is called exactly as often as use/ref.

Note: Behavior is undefined when unuse/unref is called more often than use/ref. Don't do that.



If defined, the style-loader will re-use a single <style> element, instead of adding/removing individual elements for each required module. Note: this option is on by default in IE9, which has strict limitations on the number of style tags allowed on a page. You can enable or disable it with the singleton query parameter (?singleton or ?-singleton).

Recommended configuration

By convention the reference-counted API should be bound to .useable.css and the simple API to .css (similar to other file types, i. e. .useable.less and .less).

So the recommended configuration for webpack is:

  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.css$/, exclude: /\.useable\.css$/, loader: "style!css" },
      { test: /\.useable\.css$/, loader: "style/useable!css" }

Note about source maps support and assets referenced with url: when style loader is used with ?sourceMap option, the CSS modules will be generated as Blobs, so relative paths don't work (they would be relative to chrome:blob or chrome:devtools). In order for assets to maintain correct paths setting output.publicPath property of webpack configuration must be set, so that absolute paths are generated.


npm install style-loader


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)