
weather comparator with nodejs

Primary LanguageHTML

Weather Comparator

This repository contains a webpage based in nodeJS, wich allows the user to introduce 3 city names and compare some related data, namely, the current weather, sunrise time and sunset time. This was my first nodeJS application and all the data is requested from https://openweathermap.org/, by means of an internal API. The view engine used is EJS.

Fig. 1 - Preview of the WEB app

Frameworks used:

  1. Express - mostly for routing;
  2. body-barser - for parsing JSON requests;
  3. winston - to make a log record of the requests;
  4. async - to make multiple assynchronous requests;
  5. Charts.js - to make the bar chart;
  6. Bootstrap - To improve the views and make them more fancy;
  7. In order to make the table sortable, i used a library that you can find here.

How to use the application:

  1. Clone the repository to your machine;
  2. Open comand prompt and navigate to the folder;
  3. Type "node server.js" and press enter;
  4. The app will listen on Port 3000 (make sure you have it avaliable);
  5. Open browser and go to "localhost:3000";
  6. Type the 3 cities you want and submit the request.