LaTeX Setup

My Linux setup for running a multi-file (or not) LaTeX project. When any .tex file is saved, the whole document is compiled and displayed quickly.


Latex distribution

I'm using TeX Live - you can install versions containing different LaTeX packages: texlive-latex-extra, texlive-full, etc.

What I used:

sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra texlive-science


Atom is used to edit the project's .tex files.

Atom packages required:


MuPDF is used to display the PDF document. It's a bit unusual, but very fast at reloading the PDF.

MuPDF main repo: git://

My fork which adds mouse4 and mouse5 for previous/next page, scroll to bottom on prev page, top on next page:

Installing MuPDF (my fork)

sudo apt install mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev
git clone --recursive
cd mupdf
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install


Clone or download this repo to ~/latex-setup.


In ~/.bashrc, add the root directory of your LaTeX project:

export THESIS_PATH=~/path/to/"your thesis"

Note: It's assumed a main.tex file exists in the root directory, as the document to be compiled.

Atom save-commands file

  • Copy the save-commands.json file to the same root directory.
  • Edit the path /home/nimbus/latex-setup/ to the full path in your machine.


  • bash ~/latex-setup/ launches Atom and MuPDF to start editing and viewing

  • Every time a .tex file is saved (either in root or in subdirectories), the PDF is updated


  • In ~/.bashrc, add an alias (e.g. alias lt='bash ~/latex-setup/') to launch the setup quickly


  • Keep the project backed up by syncing the project directory in Dropbox
  • Use Overleaf to sync to the same Dropbox dir, making the project available there
  • Make Mendeley sync to the project's .bib file

Additional Atom packages:

  • spell-check comes with Atom. To work with latex, go to settings and add text.tex.latex to "Grammars" and .support.function.tex to "Excluded Scopes". Also nice to enable "Add Known Words"
  • latexer for \cite and \ref completion (see "Multifile support")
  • The theme I use: duotone-light-syntax