
A Node.js, Socket.io and Redis Technology Sample.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a technology sample I'm using to experiment with some of the recent frameworks on the web stack.
Namely, Node.js, Socket.io and Redis

I've used the Cloud9 IDE, a free online IDE with GitHub integration, to edit, debug and deploy this app to Cloud Foundry, a free open source PaaS provider.

This app pools a RSS feed, stores the articles on Redis and pushes them to web client subscribers using Socket.io.

The default page (index.html) has a textbox to enter the RSS feed and a start and stop buttons.
The subscriber.html page just shows a simple list of articles with the time and title/link.



Node.js Guide
docs.nodejitsu.com - Community powered rocket-fuel for node.js
The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial
npm - Node Package Manager
feed-poll - Poll for RSS or ATOM articles.
express - Node web framework
node_redis - A node.js redis client


Socket.IO - the cross-browser WebSocket for realtime apps
Socket.IO at GitHub
Configuring Socket.IO • LearnBoost-socket.io Wiki
Websockets everywhere with Socket.IO - How To Node - NodeJS


Redis Command reference
The Little Redis Book
MSOpenTech - Redis on Windows prototype

####Cloud9 IDE

Cloud9 IDE - Online IDE – Your code anywhere, anytime
Cloud9 IDE - Support - FAQ


jQuery Documentation



####Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry Node.js
Simplified Application Deployment With Cloud Foundry “Manifest” Blog
cloudfoundry-samplesnode-spring-flex-chatnodechat-redisnode-chat.js at master • SpringSourcecloudfoundry-samples