
An application (simplified Smart Contract) that implements a Token Exchange System (TES) using State Machine Replication, Blockchain and Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus

Primary LanguageJava

Highly Dependable Systems - HDS Ledger

Instructions to execute the project and test it 'freely'

  1. Start by installing all necessary dependencies. To do so, run the following command on the root directory (HDL)
    • mvn clean install -DskipTests
  2. After that, compile the project code. To do so, run the following command on the root directory (HDL):
    • mvn clean compile
  3. Then, simply spawn the desired number of processes following these instructions:
  • To spawn a Client process:

    • On the Client directory, execute the following command:
      • mvn exec:java -Dmainclass=sec.G31.client -Dexec.args="<client_id> <client_address> <client_port> <config_file>"
  • To spawn a Server process:

    • On the Server directory, execute the following command:
      • mvn exec:java -Dmainclass=sec.G31 -Dexec.args="<server_id> <server_addres> <server_port> <fault_type> <leader_flag> <F> <config_file>"
      • where '<fault_type>' is either F (for byzantine processes) or NF (for correct processes), '<leader_flag>' is either Y (if process is the leader) or N (otherwise), and '< F >' is the maximum number of byzantine processes tolerated (i.e. if F is set to 1, at least 3 correct processes are required in order for the system to work).

Instructions to run the unit tests

  1. Build the project following the first two steps mentioned in the above section
  2. Run the command mvn test in the Client directory. This will run all unit tests. In order to run a particular test use the command mvn test -Dtest=AppClientTest#<test-name>, where '<test_name>' is the name of the specific test you want to execute.