A Soketi Bug: Minimal, Verifiable and Complete Example

Install dependencies and build the apps

yarn install && yarn build

Run the apps in two separate terminals. You will need ports 3000, 4000 and 6001 available.

  1. Run the Soketi server on port 6001
yarn soketi
  1. Run the backend on port 4000:
yarn dev-server
  1. Run the client on port 3000:
yarn dev-client

You can alternatively run the client and backend on the same terminal, to see the merged logs:

yarn dev

Actual behavior

The client will fail to subscribe to the presence channel.

The server will log the channel authentication attempt, but no further logging happens anywhere.

Expected behavior

The client should be able to subscribe to the presence channel.

The server should log the channel authentication attempt, and then log the successful subscription.

The backend should log the subscription event, received via webhook.