
The goal of this project is to re-code several functions from the Standard C library, and some aditionals

Primary LanguageC


About the project:

The goal of this project is to re-code several functions from the Standard C library, along with additional supplementary functions, ensuring that they maintain the same behavior as the original ones.

Technology used:

C icon
C language

Part 1

Refactor certain functions from the Standard C library, ensuring that their behavior matches that of the original functions.

Function Description
isalpha Check if it's an alphabetic character
idigit Check if it's digit
isalnum Check if it's an alphanumeric character
isascii Check if it's in the ASCII range
isprint Check if it's a printable character
strlen Calculate the lenght of a string
memset Fill the bytes of a block of memory with a constant value
bzero Fill the bytes of a block of memory with zero
memcpy Copy a memory block
memmove Move a memory block
strlcpy Copy a string
strlcat Concatenate two strings
toupper Convert a character to uppercase
tolower Convert a character to lowercase
strchr Search for the first appearence of a character in a string
strrchr Search for the last appearence of a character in a string
strncmp Compare two strings
memchr Search for a character in a block of memory
memcmpp Compare two blocks of memory
strnstr Search for a substring in a string
atoi Convert a string to an integer
calloc Allocate memory and fill its bytes to zero
strdup Duplicate a string

Part 2

Develop useful functions that are not present in the Standard C library.

Function Description
substr Return a substring from a string
strjoin Concatenate two strings
strtrim Trim the beggining and the end of a string
split Split a string
itoa Convert a number into a string
strmapi Apply a function in every character of a string
striteri Apply a function in every character of a string
putchar_fd Write a character to a file
putstr_fd Write a string to a file
putendl_fd Write a string to a file, followed by a new line
putnbr_fd Write a number to a file


Create functions specifically designed for manipulating lists.

Function Description
lstnew Create a new node
lstadd_front Add a node in front of a list
lstsize Count the nodes in a list
lstlast Return the last node of a list
lstadd_back Add a node in the end of a list
lstdelone Free the content os a node in a list
lstclear Delete and free a list
lstiter Apply a function to every node of a list
lstmap Apply a function to every node of a list

Final score

Instructions to use

In order to utilize this "libft" library, you must initially clone the repository onto your local machine by employing a terminal:

  • - $> git clone git@github.com:joaoneon/42_libft.git [folder]
Command Description
make all or make compiles only the mandaory parts
make bonus compiles the bonus part
make clean deletes the object files created during compilation
make fclean executes the clean command and also deletes the libft.a
make re executes the fclean command followed by the all command
make rebonus executes the fclean command followed by the bonus command

Incorporate the header file of the "libft" library to utilize its functionalities in your projects:

  • #include "libft.h"

When compiling your projects that utilize the "libft" library, it is necessary to employ the appropriate flags:

  • $> ... -L [path/to/libft.a] -I [path/to/libft.h]