
A simple Python script to check if a run is in the correct TREC format

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Python script to check if a run is in the correct TREC format

> tfc.py <trec_run_file>

TREC format is the following: Q0


5 Q0 clueweb12-enwp02-06-01125 1 32.38 example
5 Q0 clueweb12-en0011-25-31331 2 29.73 example
5 Q0 clueweb12-en0006-97-08104 3 21.93 example

Separators can be either single/multiple spaces (' ') or tab (\t)

Some of the necessary conditions to have a valid run for CLEF eHealth are:

  1. Rank numbers start from 1. Always. If it is the case that your run starts from 0, we provide the script "fix_zero_rank.py" to solve this issue.
  2. The document scores for the same query should be in descending order.
  3. A document cannot appear twice in the list of document for the same query.
  4. The same teamID/runID is used all over the run.
  5. QueryIDs are in ascending order
  6. Filename follows the convention: __Run.. Example: TUW_EN_Run1.txt or TUW_EN_Run2.txt