Never load a full page on every request again.
Download the production version or the development version.
Include it in your web pages(1.3kb minified and gzipped):
<script src="joconut.min.js"></script> <!-- you must include jQuery before that -->
That's it! Now, all your local links will not cause page refresh. Remote links will work as expected.
You can listen to some events Joconut can emit using on method:
$.joconut.on('error', function(){ // fires on timeout, page without <body>, invalid requests
alert('Error while loading new page!');
$.joconut.on('new', function(){ // Page changed
alert('New page!');
$.joconut.on('beforeNew', function(){ // page will be loaded now
alert('Before loading new page');
$.joconut.on('afterNew', function(){ // page was just loaded
alert('After loading new page');
You can force Joconut to replace only part of the page by specifying selector of that part:
$.joconut.container = '#container'; // default is 'body'
- Lightweight(1.3kb minified and gzipped)
- Detects and loads scripts and stylesheets from fetched pages, if they do not exist in the current one
- HTML5 History API support with fallback to location.hash
- Can replace only specific part of the page
- 1.3kb minified and gzipped
- Auto-detects and loads JS and CSS from fetched pages, if needed
- No need to set up or configure
Joconut can work in browsers, which support HTML5 History API or hashchange event. For the list of supported browsers check out these links: pushstate and hashchange
You should have node to be installed. cd test && npm i connect route66 && node server.js
. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 after that and play.
Copyright (c) 2012 Vadim Demedes
Licensed under the MIT license.