
Android app for skip the dishs and vanhackathon

Primary LanguageKotlin


This app was created on the weekend of Vanhack's and Skip The Dishes Recruiting Fair.

The challenge was:

Build a solution to use an API to:

  • Authenticate; [almost done, it's authenticating with an existing account but still needs to create a new one]
  • Add selected products to a cart; [done]
  • Place one or more Orders; [you can place your order and go back to place more]
  • Cancel an Order; [not required in the event]
  • View the Order’s Status; [you can view all your orders with the value, contact info and status]

To login follow the instructions in the app or below:

  • name and address are optional (wip) for registration use only
  • username: user@user.com
  • password: passwd

App's flow:

  • Login (duh)
  • Main Activity:
    • The list of stores is displayed, select one to see the products
    • or the floating action button to display previous orders
  • Store Detail Activity:
    • Tap on a product to add to the cart (a dialog opens with description and option to add to cart)
    • Press the button to view the cart with values
  • Cart Activity:
    • View the order and submit
    • Activity finishes, returning to the store

That's it for now :)