
A platform for Pet owners and Veterinarians

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Website - openvet.herokuapp.com

  • Github - github.com/joaotorquato/openvet

  • Ruby version - 2.2.4

  • System dependencies - the gems listed in the Gemfile and the installation of PhantomJS to run all tests correctly.

  • Configuration - even after running bundle install –without production, the system needs the creation of an environment variable called GMAIL_PASSWORD (with the proper value).

  • Database creation - execute the command rake db:reset inside the project’s folder

  • Database initialization - execute the command rake db:reset inside the project’s folder

  • How to run the test suite - execute the command rspec inside the project’s folder

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions - execute the command git push heroku master inside the project’s folder,