Find CEP

A simple Flutter project, structured following the Clean Architecture and Clean Code principles.


  • Authentication (Firebase Auth)
  • Http Requests to search the address in a public API (Dio)
  • Address CRUD (Cloud Firestore)
  • Geolocation (Geolocator)
  • Redirect to Google Maps and shows the best route from your current location to the selected address (Url Launcher)



The main features of the application, here the principle of modularization was applied, so that each module implements everything necessary for its own operation.


Here we'll have the fundamental functionality to all the modules, implementations like shared features, generic errors and some utilities that can be acessed to the entire application.

Module Layers

Each module are divided in some layers, so that each layer has its responsibility, following the Clean Architecture standard.

  • Presentation
  • Domain
  • Data
