
Parallel commands

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Parallel commands

I've being parallel as a daily tool to execute multiples commands faster. This has saved me a lot of time and I feel that I need to share something.

Dev.to series of parallel posts

How to use this

Clone the repo and add the bin directory to your PATH

01- setup


Ubuntu install

sudo apt-get install -y parallel jq

macos install

brew install parallel jq

Parallel citation

Official explanation on that

parallel --citation

and then type

will cite

02- list github repos as a text list

Token setup

Create a github user token with repo:public_repo permission and save it as GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

Github organization repos

github-print-organization-repos.sh fluxcd fluxcd.txt

Github user repos

github-print-user-repos.sh joaovitor joaovitor.txt

Day to day use

List github organization repos

mkdir -p ~/github-orgs/fluxcd
cd $_
gh_owner=$(basename $(pwd)); github-print-organization-repos.sh ${gh_owner} ${gh_owner}.txt

List github user repos

mkdir -p ~/github-orgs/joaovitor
cd $_
gh_owner=$(basename $(pwd)); github-print-user-repos.sh ${gh_owner} ${gh_owner}.txt

List azure repositories

org=$(basename $(pwd)); az devops project list --detect true | \
jq -r '.value[]|.id' | \
parallel -j 10 "az repos list --project {} | jq -r '.[]|.sshUrl'" | \
tee ${org}.txt

03- Clone repos in parallel

3.1 from github

Given that you have a list of repos to be cloned, clone them in parallel.

cd ~/github-orgs/fluxcd
gh_owner=$(basename $(pwd)); cat ${gh_owner}.txt | parallel  -j 25 'clone-missing.sh {}; echo job {#} completed {};'

3.2 from azure

cd ~/azure-study/azuredevopsorg/
az_owner=$(basename $(pwd)); cat ${az_owner}.txt | parallel  -j 25 'azure-clone-missing.sh {}; echo job {#} completed {};'

04- Pull in parallel

Given that you have a directory with multiple git repositories.

time update-repos.sh

This scripts accepts the depth of nesting directories that needs to have the code updated.

time update-repos.sh 3