
Examples about use of unit Tests, webSockets, mongoDB, Redis and another's things in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About what is that?

I came from Django where login, sessions, database is all already configured for you. So, I use this repo to add things that I'm testing and using.

I will use this repository to save examples of how integrate and use some modules in node.js. And more, I put comments that instruct what each thing do.

I really take care to follow the bests practices that I read about. And each folder has they own README that contains tips and also the best practices that was used in examples.

You can find examples of

* Basic structure project MVC with express * Mongoose to use Mongodb * Example of unit tests with Mocha & Chai

Full Example

The folder called full_example is where I will use to store more complex examples, but this will be using various modules at the same time. Because there are a system with sessions, websockets, mongodb, redis, etc.

Generate Project

It's a script to generate a express project structure. There are already a tool to do this, that is called express-generator, but I prefer to create one for my own needs.