
Primary LanguagePython


Setup tutorial for DOMjudge using docker containers installed on a VM, using docker images provided by domjudge/domerver

Basic configuration

On my configuration, I'm using a Ubuntu Server 20.04 for both JudgeServer and JudgeHosts machines.


On our infrastructure, we were using IP addresses in 172.X.X.X range. Since docker uses this addresses for internal use, we had to configure docker not to use them.

That can be done by placing daemon.json in /etc/docker/daemon.json


The file jutgeserver/docker-compose.yml contains the database (MariaDB image) and the web server container configurations.

They can be launched by the docker-compose up command inside of jutgeserver directory, BUT I highly recommend start them separately, since the WebServer container won't wait for the DB to be ready and that will cause the server to restart indefinitely until the DB is ready.

TODO: Create bash script entrypoint for the WebServer that checks if the DB is ready before launching.

For the first time, I recommend:

  • Check jutgeserver.env file to adapt it to your needs.
  • Launch the DB container and check everything creates properly.

docker-compose up db

  • Stop it with Ctrl + C and relaunch it on the background.

docker start jutgeserver_db_1

  • Launch the WebServer container and check everything creates properly.
    • It should connect properly to the DB and start creating all the tables.

docker-compose up server

  • Wait for it to finish, stop it with Ctrl + C and relaunch it on the background.

docker start jutgeserver_server_1

Mind that the last command will print the default passwords for the admin and judgehost users.
If you want to use a different password, you can log into the web as admin or edit the DB.

I modified them from the DB with the change_passwd.sh script (I used https://argon2.online/ to generate the encrypted passwords)

Now, you should be able to connect to the server at localhost:80.



Copiar la MV a la mĂ quina

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joapuiib/domjudge/master/rsync_mv.sh | bash -s - -h <IP>