
the purpose in this provider is to convert from hours to milliseconds , nanoseconds and seconds

the usage in for this provider are the nexts steps:

  • the resources can be used in this provider are timeconvert_nanoseconds , timeconvert_seconds or timeconvert_nanoseconds

  • time must be setting in Xh(x is an integer that means hours ) or can be XhYm (Y means the minutes), i.e: 3h means 3 hours, 3h20m means 3 hours and 20 minutes.

  • the output value for nanoseconds is ns, for seconds is secs and for milliseconds is ms


resource "timeconvert_nanoseconds" "main" {
    time = "1h"

output "seconds" {
value = timeconvert_nanoseconds.main.ns

the example showed , try to get the amount of nanoseconds that exists in 1 hour , but you can get in the same way the milliseconds or seconds using


resource "timeconvert_milliseconds" "main" {
    time = "1h"

output "seconds" {
    value = timeconvert_milliseconds.main.ms

or using this provider to get the seconds per x amount of hours


resource "timeconvert_seconds" "main" {
    time = "1h"

output "seconds" {
    value = timeconvert_seconds.main.secs