
Control the GNOME desktop using a Leap Motion device.

Primary LanguagePython

Leap Motion GNOME Controller

This is a relatively small Python script that uses Leap Motion's libs to
detect hands' motion and gestures and interprets them, producing a
corresponding action for the GNOME Desktop.

How to Use

Assuming you have all that is needed for the Leap device to be detected
and used...
Run the leapd daemon, then run leap-gnome-controller.py:
$ leapd &
$ ./leap-gnome-controller.py


Use one hand with one finger sticking out in order to control the mouse.
If the mouse doesn't move too much for a little while, it will be stopped
until a there is a big move again. This makes it easier to perform a click.

List of Gestures

| Click                         | Key tap gesture                                 |
| Toggle Activities View        | Circle gesture                                  |
| Increase/Decrease Zoom        | Pinch gesture using two hands' pointing fingers |
| Move to Previous/Next Desktop | Swipe up/down using one opened hand             |

More gestures may be added in the future!


This script is released under GPLv3's terms and conditions.