
long live the rabbit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


wraps the connection object from the amqplib module to a simple way to be used


test & code coverage: npm test && npm run open-coverage

codestyle: npm run codestyle

jshint: npm run jshint

see the tests for the configurations used


amqpjs([uri], [socketOptions])

uri: can be a string amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/test or an object {vhost: vhost, port: 5672, user: 'guest', password: 'guest', ssl: false}

socketOptions: an object {channelMax: 100, heartbeat: 300, noDelay: true} see here for more information (search by socket options :-) )

event to handle the connection issues

on('error', function(err) {...})

create a channel This channel is a "virtual" connection inside the "real" TCP connection, and it is over the channel that you issue AMQP commands.*

createChannel(function(err, channel) {...})

close the connection


event to handle the close connection

on('close', function() {...});


var amqpjs  = require('amqpjs');

var client = amqpjs([uri], [socketOptions]);

// with this event you can capture
// connections failures
client.on('error', function(err) {...});

client.on('close', function() {...});

// can create several channels
client.createChannel(function(err, channel) {...});

client.createChannel(function(err, channel) {
	// err
	// do something with channel
	// close this channel
	channel.close(function(err) {

you can check a better example of a producer & a consumer in here.

for full understanding you can follow the amqplib documentation here.