Usage of event-driven pattern to decouple Magnolia CMS from its consumers.
This repository is related with Implementing Event-driven architecture in Magnolia CMS using Kafka
The publication of contents generates events that are enqueued in Kafka. This feature is combined with REST Content Deliverty API because it enqueues the same resources exposed by the endpoints configured in REST Content Deliverty API
For example if Magnolia stores web pages, factsheet of shoes and description of stores and that just shoes and stores are exposed in REST content delivery, then publication of web pages won't be sent to Kafka because web pages does not have an endpoint configured in REST content Delivery.
Install Zookeeper and Apache Kafka.
Configure the host of Apache Kafka in config:magnolia-event-driven-service/config@mq_server. For example localhost:9092
Build and install magnolia-event-driven-service module.
$ cd magnolia-event-driven-service
$ mvn install
4.Add dependency with magnolia-event-driven-service in the bundle of Magnolia author.
5.Use the command eventdriven-publishAndEnqueue for publication
Enqueue in Kafka the contents of a JCR Node of Magnolia
repository: name of the workspace of the Node
path: location of the Node
cm = info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager.getInstance()
command = cm.getCommand('eventdriven', 'enqueue')
It is a chained command composed by default-publish and eventdriven-enqueue commands. It is the command to be used for the publication action.
class: info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
commandName: default-publish
class: com.formentor.magnolia.async.command.PublishingDeliveryCommand
enabled: 'true'
- Publish contents of a Node whose node-type and workspace is configured as endpoint in REST Content Delivery
- Query the Node from REST Content Deliver API
$ curl -X GET \
http://localhost:8080/magnolia-formentor-modules/.rest/tours/endpoint/magnolia-travels/Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today \
-H 'Authorization: Basic c3VwZXJ1c2VyOnN1cGVydXNlcg=='
3.Get the last message of the topic with the same name as the endpoint
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic tours_endpoint --from-beginning
4.The payload of the message will be the same as the reponse of the REST API. Please take note that the name of the topic replaces "/" of the endpoint with "_"
The name of the topic is the same as the REST Content Delivery
Joaquín Alfaro, @Joaquin_Alfaro
Formentor Studio,