
small library to send data to Logtrust using Http Protocol

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


small library to send data to Logtrust using Http Protocol


Please refer to Logtrust documentation to configure account to be able to send data to Logtrust

End points

By default the library is configured to use the USA endPoint

As soon as new endpoints are available, will be added to the library

How to use it

add the maven repository ( if you do not already have it)

maven {
       url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/"

add the following to the dependencies

compile 'com.freesoullabs:logtrust-http-log-send:0.2.1'

Code Example

Sending one event

        String token = "{your_token}";
        String tag = "{your table tag}";
        String domain = "{your_domain}";

        LogtrustLogger httpLogger =  new LogtrustLogger.Builder()

        httpLogger.send("hello http data ");

Sending Multiple events in one request

You can optimize the number of request sending data to Logtrust, sending and array of events. use the sendAll method in that case.

        String token = "{your_token}";
        String tag = "{your table tag}";
        String domain = "{your_domain}";
        LogtrustLogger httpLogger = new LogtrustLogger.Builder()
        int max = 10;
        String[] data = new String[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++){
         data[i] = "Hello world Buffered Data = " + i;
