Smart contract verification process

Determine the type of block explorer

Basically, there are 2 main type of block explorers at the moment, one provided by Etherscan and another is Blockscout. So if your chain's explorer looks a lot like Etherscan, proceed to Etherscan verification guide, otherwise follow Blockscout verification guide.

Etherscan verification guide

Go to the token address's explorer page, for example:


Click on Contract, then Verify and Publish


  1. Choose Solidity (Single file)

  2. Choose line starting with v0.8.4

  3. Choose 3) MIT License


  1. Choose Yes

  2. Enter the source code (file ending with .sol) corresponding to the token. For example LiquidityGeneratorToken.sol.

  3. (optional) If there's a captcha present, solve it.

  4. Click Verify and Publish


If all goes well, you will be redirected to a page with a green text saying Successfully generated ByteCode and ABI for Contract Address. If there's any error, a similar page with red text will be presented, in that case contact us for help.

Blockscout verification guide

Go to the token address's explorer page, for example:


Click on Code, then Verify & Publish


Choose Via flattened sourced code, then Next


  1. Choose No

  2. Enter the name of the token you minted, there are 4 types of tokens: StandardToken, LiquidityGeneratorToken, BABYTOKEN, BuybackBabyToken. If you also use PinkAntiBot, then use one of these name instead: AntiBotStandardToken, AntiBotLiquidityGeneratorToken, AntiBotBABYTOKEN, AntiBotBuybackBabyToken.

  3. Choose No

  4. Choose line starting with v0.8.4

  5. Choose default

  6. Choose Yes

  7. Enter 200

  8. Enter the source code (file ending with .sol) corresponding to the token. For example StandardToken.sol.

  9. Choose Yes

  10. Click Verify and Publish

If all goes well, your token will be successfully verified. If the explorer reports an error, contact us for help.