
JobPosting Frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JobHax Frontend application

JobHax Website Alt text GitHub commit activity GitHub contributors GitHub repo size GitHub languages


  1. Download nodejs version 10x:
  2. Install yarn package manager for JavaScript:
    npm i -g yarn


  1. Clone current repository:

    git clone https://github.com/job-hax/frontend.git
  2. Install project dependencies via yarn:

    yarn install
  3. Create config/config.js in src/ if non-existant with the following contents:

    export const IS_MOCKING = {boolean};
    export const IS_RECAPTCHA_ENABLED = {boolean};
    export const googleClientId = '[TODO]';
    export const jobHaxClientId = '[TODO]';
    export const jobHaxClientSecret = '[TODO]';
    export const reCaptchaV3SiteKey = '[TODO]';
    export const googleApiKey = '[TODO]';
    export const googleAnalyticsId = '[TODO]';
    export const linkedInClientId = '[TODO]';
    export const linkedInClientSecret = '[TODO]';
  4. Run:

    a) for local development:
    	yarn dev
    b) for production build:
    	yarn build

    Note: Starting file: './src/index.js'