
Controla el horario de entrada de los asistentes al madrid.rb

Primary LanguageRuby


This app is published as https://


This is a Ruby 2.5.x + Rails 5.2.x project + Webpack 4.x project.

System dependencies

Dependencies are identified as Soft, Hard, Optional, Development.

Hard: is a must and must be working/available to be able to use Workers. Without this dependency major outage is expected.

Soft: is required, but this service could operate with minor non-operative features or managed recovery/healing. But is desirable to restablish the service as soon as posible.

Optional: adds some extra features, but in case of not being presents there is no impact on users.

Development: required to develop the app, not needed during runtime.

Direct dependencies

This application depends directly this dependencies. All services must be configured and running.

Postgresql +10.4 [Hard]

#### ??? Redis +3.0 [Hard]

### 3rd party services

#### ??? Google OAuth 2.0 [Soft]

#### ??? Rollbar [Optional]

#### ??? Google Analytics [Optional]


Database creation

rails db:create

Database initialization

No needed

Running the test suites

Unit & integration tests:

PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS=Default rails test

Don't set any value to PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS to skip code coverage generation.

System tests:

Ensure the assets (javascript, images and css) are compiled in test mode.

yarn build-for-tests

There are a "live" mode to rebuild the assets when changes are detected in the assets.

yarn server-for-tests

Note: For dockerized environments use the following command to ensure the assets for tests are built.

docker exec workers-webpack yarn server-for-tests

This command will keep the assets compiled according to the last syncrhonized sources and produce the output on the public/packs-tests directory which is mounted in the workers container where the tests are run.

Run the tests

PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS=System rails test:system

This tests includes tests being executed in a real browser. The default configuration needs a Google Chrome locally installed. In test/support/application_system_test_case.rb you can change the configuration for Selenium to use other browser (values as firefox or safari are already supported). Or you can use a remote Selenium driver, setting the ENV var SELENIUM_SERVER_URL with the URL to the server, for example:

SELENIUM_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub rails test:system

Don't set any value to PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS to skip code coverage generation.

Ruby linting (currently not enforced by continuous integration process):


Javascript client tests:

yarn test

Adding the --watch modifier the test will run against any new changed file.

Javascript linting:

yarn eslint

Using yarn eslint-watch the linting will be reevaluated after changes in the code.

Security check on dependencies:

brakeman -c config/brakeman.yml

No errors are admitted. Continuous integration will fail if some error is detected.

Development instructions

To run the development version of this service you need to start the following software pieces:

Web Application

rails server

Web client (JS + CSS + other assets)

yarn server

Usually this command will be enough, but in case of need some special config, you can change the port, server address and other arguments supported by webpack-dev-server, i.e.:

yarn server --port 8001

This configuration will launch the UI (web) for webpack-bundle-analizer. This plugin shows the packages includes in each Javascript output file, is useful to debugging the webpack's configuration and optimize the bundles.


A Postgresql instance running and configured according to config/database.yml.

Deployment instructions

Deployment to staging & production is configured in continuous deployment mode. Just push to the origin branch, and Codeship will take care.

For production the origin branch is master. The continuous deployment for master will no really update the service in production you need to ask manuel deploy workers to production in the [Deploys] channel in Slack.