
Denora IRC Stats

Primary LanguageC

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          Statistics for IRC Networks

    1. Credits
    2. Presentation
    3. Installation
    4. Command line options
    5. Contact and support


    Denora is based on the original code of Anope 1.7.6 by Anope Team,
    and based on the original code of Thales 1.0 by Lucas Nussbaum.
	See docs/Credits for full list of credits.

    Denora credits:

        * Trystan S. Lee      <trystan@denorastats.org>
        * Gabriel Acevedo H.  <drstein@denorastats.org>
        * Jens Voss           <DukePyrolator@FantasyIRC.net>
        * Florian Schulze     <certus@randombytes.de>
        * Gabriel Craciunescu <crazy@denorastats.org>
        * Sebastian V.        <hal9000@denorastats.org>
        * w00t                <w00t@denorastats.org>
        * Klaas Tammling      <obi_wan@denorastats.org>
        * Alexander Maassen   <outsider@scarynet.org>
        * Matthew Beeching    <jobe@denorastats.org>

    Denora Translations:

        * Gabriel Acevedo H.  <drstein@denorastats.org>    (es.l)
        * Gabriel Craciunescu <crazy@denorastats.org>      (de.l)
        * Xaf                 <root@sbird.org>             (fr.l)
        * Pieter Bootms       <geniusdex@anope.org>        (nl.l)
        * dotslasher          <dotslasher@staticbox.com>   (nl.l)
        * Sebastian V.        <hal9000@denorastats.org>    (it.l, example.it.conf)
        * Daniel Arndt        <MaOaM@gmx.org>              (example.de.conf)
        * Alvaro              <agonzal@gmail.com>          (es.l, example.es.conf)
        * illu                <illu@icedslash.org>         (fr.l)
        * Kein                <kein-of@yandex.ru>          (ru.l, example.ru.conf)

    This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file docs/COPYING
    for details.


    Denora is a set of Stats Services for IRC networks that allows IRC
    network admins to get a complete and comprehensive overview of their
    IRC network. Denora exports this information to MySQL, HTML XML and
    flatfile databases.
    Denora's StatServ pseudo client, provides access to commands that
    allow to manage and view the network stats.

    Denora Stats coupled with phpDenora[1] or MagIRC[1] is the most powerful tool
    for generating statistics for IRC.

    Denora currently works with the following IRCds:

        * Bahamut 1.4 and 1.8
        * Charybdis 1.0 - 3.x
        * Inspircd 1.1.x - 2.0.x
        * IRCU 2.10.11 - 2.10.12
        * ircd-rizon 3.x.x
        * Nefarious IRCu 1.3.x - 2.0.x
        * Ratbox 2.0.6
        * ScaryNet IRCu 2.10.11 - 2.10.12
        * Unreal 3.2 beta19 or later

    Denora could also work with some of the deamons derivated by the ones 
    listed above.

    [1] http://www.denorastats.org/


	For a Quick Start guide on Unix or Windows systems see the QUICKSTART.txt file.
    See the docs/INSTALL file for detailed instructions for Unix-based systems.

    Alternatively, any of the following command-line options can be specified
    in order to replace the default configuration:

        -remote server[:port]    Connect to the specified server
        -local host  -or-        Connect from the specified address (e.g.
               [host]:[port]     for multihomed servers)
        -name servername         Our server name (e.g. stats.some.net)
        -desc string             Description of us (e.g. SomeNet Statistics)
        -user username           Username for Stats' nicks (e.g. stats)
        -host hostname           Hostname for Stats' nicks (e.g. nomadinc.net)
        -dir directory           Directory containing Denora' data files
                                 (e.g. /usr/local/lib/stats)
        -log filename            Denora's log filename (e.g. stats.log)
        -update secs             How often to update databases (in seconds)

    Additionally, the following command-line options can be used to modify
    the behavior of Denora:

        -debug          Enable debugging mode
        -sql            Enable debugging of sql queries
        -version        Display the version of Denora
        -socketdebug    Display socket write/read info only useful if you want
                        to debug connection problems.
        -protocoldebug  Display protocol debug information, very helpful in 
                        supporting ircds.

    Denora also has a feature to crypt passwords to be used in the config file,
    to encrypt your password use the following command-line option:
        -mkpass=passwd  Encrypt a password


    * If you read the documentation carefully, which you also can find on our wiki
      (http://wiki.denorastats.org/) and didn't find the answer to your
      question, feel free to post on the website forums or join our IRC channel
      (irc.denorastats.org #denora). Be as precise as possible when asking a question,
      because we have no extraordinary powers and can't guess things if they aren't
      provided. The more precise you are, the sooner you'll be likely to get an answer.

    * If you think you found a bug, add it to the bug tracking system on our
      website (http://bugs.anope.org/) and - again - be as
      precise as possible. Also say whether the bug happens always or under what
      circumstances, and anything that could be useful to track your bug down.
      If you wrote a patch, send it over.

    * Support is also available via our forums located at