
one game, multiple frameworks

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

What the haxe?

Haxe has many options for putting pixels on the screen, handling input, etc.

This project aims to use a single core codebase for logic and abstracted systems for everything else.

Multiple frameworks will provide alternate implementations for the systems, currently graphics and keyboard input;


See directories for framework implementations

OpenGL abstraction layer for fast 2d-rendering on lime - https://github.com/openfl/lime/

raylib externs (small OpenGL drawing toolkit in c) - https://github.com/raysan5/raylib

OpenFL based game engine (also lime) - https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel

The Game

It's asteroids, you have a ship that can be controller with cursor keys

  • 🠔 : rotate the ship left
  • 🠔 : rotate the ship right
  • 🠗 : accelerate the ship