
Beta-ish DtoCore for Laravel

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DtoCore for Laravel

This project is currently internally in production use, but open-source wise still in very beta-ish state


This library is designed to work with Laravel > v5.2 applications, and utilises Laravel Validator + Collections & Routing.


When creating Dto classes, extend the DtoAbstract.php from this library (example below)


namespace App\Dto\v2\Company;

use App\Dto\v2\Location\Location;
use Jobilla\DtoCore\DtoAbstract;

class Company extends DtoAbstract
     * @var array
    protected $items = [
        // Specify the fields here

     * Specify optional sub Dtos here 
     * @var array
    protected $subtypes = [
        'location' => Location::class,

     * @var array
    protected $rules = [
        // Laravel Validator's syntax validation rules for every field go here

     * @param \App\Models\Company $company
     * @return $this
    public function populateFromModel(\App\Models\Company $company): Company
        // Specify strategy for instantiation here..
        // etc...
        $this['meta_keywords']    = $company->meta_keywords;
        $this['meta_description'] = $company->meta_description;
        $this['location']         = Location::from($company->city)->toArray();
        // etc..

        // Check for validation flag & self-validate on instantiation
        $this->validation && $this->validate();

        return $this;

Use for validating both incoming and outgoing Requests in Controllers (or implement custom route-model binding -type resolver), example below.

     * Show company
     * @input int
     * @output \App\Dto\v2\Company\Company
     * @param int $id
     * @return JsonResponse
    public function show(int $id)
        $dto = CompanyDto::from(Company::findOrFail($id));

        return $this->response->respondDto($dto);

     * Store a new company
     * @input \App\Dto\v2\Company\Company
     * @output \App\Dto\v2\Company\Company
     * @param Request $request
     * @return JsonResponse
    public function store(Request $request)
        $dto     = CompanyDto::from($request->all());
        $company = CompanyRepository::store($dto);

        return $this->show($company->id);

NOTE: @input & @output declarations in the docblocks allow automatic OpenAPI documentation generation..

For automatic OpenAPI format (formerly known as Swagger) documentation, call ComposeDocumentation Command from the Library, and return the structure of ComposeDocumentation::get() from the proper route for inspection.

Here's a brilliant OpenAPI doc reader, that you can use as an independent GUI for easy professional API-docs. (https://github.com/Rebilly/ReDoc)


  • Setup proper CI pipeline with jobilla/coding-rules checks
  • Basic PHPUnit tests
  • Some sort of primitive documentation


  • Original author: Sander Kiloman (@sass777)
  • License information will be added later..