
Jobilla's code style & automatic code quality check rulesets

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Jobilla's code quality inspections tools' configurations

Full QA set for PHP code includes the following tools

Recommended usage

Internally we're running automatic checks using a continuous integration server (Bamboo), but basically any continuous integration server should be capable of getting the job done. (highly recommended)

You should also be able to hook the tools into the text-editor / IDE of your choice. Below are some examples that our in-house developer team prefers.

PHPMD Plugins


PHPCS Plugins


Installing & running the checks

  • Clone the repository / include into your project's composer.json
  • If including via composer, run composer update to install the configuration files into your vendor folder
  • Remember to include desired QA tools into your main projects require-dev part in composer.json, in order to use the actual tools + FG custom configuration files
  • Example from our internal projects' composer.json
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0",
        "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.*",
        "phpmd/phpmd" : "@stable",
        "phploc/phploc": "*",
        "sebastian/phpcpd": "*",
        "jobilla/coding-rules": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "git@github.com:jobilla/coding-rules.git"
  • Run the tools via CLI or integrate into your development tools
  • Running via CLI example:
$ vendor/bin/phpmd --reportfile ./phpmd-report.html app/ html vendor/jobilla/coding-rules/phpmd/ruleset.xml
$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=./vendor/jobilla/coding-rules/phpcs/ruleset.xml --report-file=./phpcs-report.txt app/
$ vendor/bin/phpcpd app/ > ./phpcpd-report.txt
$ vendor/bin/phploc app/ > ./phploc-report.txt
$ vendor/bin/phpunit > ./phpunit-report.txt

Fixing code styling errors automatically

PHPCS ships with an executable called phpcbf, which allows automatically fixing some of the violations detected by the CodeSniffer. More info can be found through this link: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/wiki/Fixing-Errors-Automatically

Example of running phpcbf via CLI:

$ vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=vendor/jobilla/coding-rules/phpcs/ruleset.xml app  

The following repositories & authors' work have been used as a base for individual parts of the configuration, or have heavily influenced the end result: