Awesome registration for awesome events
ProCon is an online event registration system, written for the BSCF LARP Conspiracy’s Festival of the LARPs 2007. ProCon is written using Ruby on Rails.
- Easy-to-use online registration.
- Automatic, flexible waitlisting system for events that have limited capacities.
- Events can have child events (for managing conventions, e.g.).
- Ability to create "virtual sites" with their own domain names for particular events.
- Powerful registration policy framework for restricting sign-up.
ProCon is a Rails 2.3 application, so you'll need to have Rails 2.3 installed to use it:
gem install -v=2.3.2 rails
Once that's installed, you can set up your database configuration in config/database.yml. For example:
development: adapter: mysql host: localhost username: root database: procon_dev
It uses the ae_users plugin for authentication. You'll need to either configure a separate users database, or put your user tables in the same database as ProCon uses.
Either way, you'll need to configure it in config/database.yml:
users: adapter: mysql host: localhost username: root database: procon_dev
Once that's done, you can run the following command to set up your databases:
rake db:migrate
And you should then be all set to start running ProCon.
ProCon is © Nat Budin and is released under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.