
Key-value data store supporting fast look-up of elements given a range of keys.

Primary LanguageF#


IRangeMap is an immutable key-value data store interface, similar to the standard FSharp Map library. The most important difference, compared to the Map interface, is the ability to (efficiently) looking up values from a range of keys. That is also the primary motivation behind the creation of this library.

The provided IRangeMap implementation seems to perform slightly better than Map for key based look ups. It is currently slower than Map when it comes to inserting and removing elements.


IRangeMap values can be created by using the fromSeq function. Here's and example defining a range-map holding 10,000 values with integer keys and string values:

> open FSharp.Data.RangeMap
> let myMap = fromSeq <| List.init 10000 (fun ix -> (ix, string ix))
val myMap : IRangeMap<int,string>

To lookup a single element by its key, the function lookup is provided:

> let res = lookup 1024 myMap;;
val res : string option = Some "1024"
> let res2 = lookup -2000 myMap;;
val res2 : string option = None

As seen in the example above, looking up a non-existing key yields the result None.

The existence of a key can be be tested using containsKey:

> let containsFive = containsKey 5 myMap;;
val containsFive : bool = true

> let containsMinusFive = containsKey -5 myMap;;
val containsMinusFive : bool = false

Elements may also be retrieved by providing a range of keys. Here is an example of fiding all elements with keys between 5 and 10 (including 5 and 10):

> let res = lookupRange (Some 5) (Some 10) myMap;;
val res : string list = ["5"; "6"; "7"; "8"; "9"; "10"]

The first two parameters to lookupRange are optional values specifying the lower and upper bounds.

IRangeMaps can be extend by inserting elements using the function insert:

> let myMap = insert -5 "Minus five" myMap;;
val myMap : IRangeMap<int,string>

> let res = lookup -5 myMap;;
val res : string option = Some "Minus five"

Elementes may be be removed with remove:

> let myMap = remove 5 myMap;;
val myMap : IRangeMap<int,string>

> let containsFive = containsKey 5 myMap;;
val containsFive : bool = false

It is also possible to remove elements for given a range of key values:

> let myMap = removeRange (Some 1) (Some 20) myMap;;
val myMap : IRangeMap<int,string>

> let contains20 = containsKey 20 myMap;;
val contains20 : bool = false

The function elements retrives all key-value pairs of RangeMap and is equivalent to lookupRange None None.

To map over the values of the elements in a IRangeMap, map is used:

> let myMap2 = map Seq.length myMap;;
val myMap2 : IRangeMap<int,int>

The following invariant holds for any RangeMap rm and feasible function f:

(map f >> elements) = (elements >> List.map (fun (k,v) -> (k, f v)))

Creating custom RangeMaps

It is possible to create custom implementations of the IRangeMap interface. Here is and example defining a naive implementation based on simple lists:

let rec fromList<'K,'V when 'K : comparison> (list: List<'K * 'V>) : IRangeMap<'K,'V> =
    let inRange l h k =
        match l, h with
        | Some l, _  when k < l -> true
        | _, Some h when k > h  -> true
        | _                     -> false
    { new IRangeMap<'K,'V> with
        member this.Elements () = list
        member this.Lookup k = 
            List.tryPick (fun (k',v) -> if k' = k then Some v else None) list
        member this.Remove (k: 'K) = 
            fromList <| List.filter (fun (k',v) -> k <> k' ) list
        member this.RemoveRange l h = 
            fromList <| List.filter (fun (k,v) -> inRange l h k ) list
        member this.Insert k v = 
            let list' = List.filter (fun (k',v) -> k <> k' ) list
            fromList ((k,v) :: list')
        member this.LookupRange l h = 
            List.filter (fst >> inRange l h) list  |> List.map snd
        member this.Map<'U> (f: 'V -> 'U) =
            fromList <| List.map (fun (k,v) -> (k, f v)) list

The existing operators on IRangeMap are now available:

> let myListMap = fromList <| List.map (fun x -> (x,x)) [1 .. 100]
> let range = lookupRange (Some 10) (Some 15) myListMap
val range : int list = [10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15]


Inital benchmarking indicates that FSharp.RangeMap is on par with, or faster than the standard FSharp Map implementation in terms of looking up elements using the lookup function.

Below are some result of comparing lookup for Fharp Map, RangeMap and standard .NET Dictionary. Have a look at the examples project for details.

The following table shows the average total time for looking up 10,000 existing keys from collections holding 100,000 elements, generated using random integer as keys:

Operation Time (s)
Look up 10K existing keys from map 0.0027
Look up 10K existing keys from range-map 0.0022
Look up 10K existing keys from dictionary 0.0036

What is interesting here are the relative times. As can be seen RangeMap is fast than both Dictionary and Map.

The next table displays the total time of looking up non-existing keys for the same collections:

Operation Time (s)
Look up 10K non-existing keys from map 0.0029
Look up 10K non-existing keys from range-map 0.0022
Look up 10K non-existing keys from dictionary 0.0018

This time Dictionary is faster. The values for RangeMap and Map are not significantly affected.

The next table reveals that building and removing elements from RangeMaps are considerably slower than the equivalent functions on Maps.

Operation Time (s)
Remove 10K existing keysfrom map 0.0132
Remove 10K existing key from range map 0.0601

The memory footprint of RangeMaps seems to be slightly worse comparing with corresponding ones for Maps:

Operation MB
Dictionary with 10K elements 0.4
Map with 10K elements 0.2
RangeMap with 10K elements 0.3
Dictionary with 100K elements 3.0
Map with 100K elements 2.2
RangeMap with 100K elements 2.2
Dictionary with 1M elements 26.6
Map with 1M elements 22.4
RangeMap with 1M elements 26.7


The default implementation for IRangeMap is a simple AVL tree. Each destructive operation on the tree, preserves a strict balance, where the difference between the maximum height of a the left and right sub-trees of any node is at most one.