
A beautiful animated flutter widget package library. The tab bar will attempt to use your current theme out of the box, however you may want to theme it.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Motion Tab Bar v2, with null-safety support

pub package likes popularity pub points

A beautiful animated widget for your Flutter Tab Bar.


> v0.3.0 screenshot

0.3.x screenshot, example with programmatically change tabs

> v0.2.1 screenshot

0.2.x screenshot

v0.1.x animation preview

MotionTabBar Gif

Getting Started

Add the plugin:

  motion_tab_bar_v2: ^0.3.0

Basic Usage

Import package

import 'package:motion_tab_bar_v2/motion-tab-bar.dart';

// optional, only if using provided badge style
import 'package:motion_tab_bar_v2/motion-badge.widget.dart';

// optional, only if using "MotionTabBarController" to programmatically change the tab
import 'package:motion_tab_bar_v2/motion-tab-controller.dart';

Use default TabController:

  // TabController _tabController;
  MotionTabBarController? _motionTabBarController;

  void initState() {
    //// Use normal tab controller
    // _tabController = TabController(
    //   initialIndex: 1,
    //   length: 4,
    //   vsync: this,
    // );

    //// use "MotionTabBarController" to replace with "TabController", if you need to programmatically change the tab
    _motionTabBarController = MotionTabBarController(
      initialIndex: 1,
      length: 4,
      vsync: this,

  void dispose() {

    // _tabController.dispose();

Add Motion Tab Bar to bottomNavigationbar:

  bottomNavigationBar: MotionTabBar(
    controller: _motionTabBarController, // ADD THIS if you need to change your tab programmatically
    initialSelectedTab: "Home",
    labels: const ["Dashboard", "Home", "Profile", "Settings"],
    icons: const [Icons.dashboard, Icons.home, Icons.people_alt, Icons.settings],

    // optional badges, length must be same with labels
    badges: [
      // Default Motion Badge Widget
      const MotionBadgeWidget(
        text: '99+',
        textColor: Colors.white, // optional, default to Colors.white
        color: Colors.red, // optional, default to Colors.red
        size: 18, // optional, default to 18

      // custom badge Widget
        color: Colors.black,
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(2),
        child: const Text(
          style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 14,
            color: Colors.white,

      // allow null

      // Default Motion Badge Widget with indicator only
      const MotionBadgeWidget(
        isIndicator: true,
        color: Colors.red, // optional, default to Colors.red
        size: 5, // optional, default to 5,
        show: true, // true / false
    tabSize: 50,
    tabBarHeight: 55,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(
      fontSize: 12,
      color: Colors.black,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
    tabIconColor: Colors.blue[600],
    tabIconSize: 28.0,
    tabIconSelectedSize: 26.0,
    tabSelectedColor: Colors.blue[900],
    tabIconSelectedColor: Colors.white,
    tabBarColor: const Color(0xFFAFAFAF),
    onTabItemSelected: (int value) {
      setState(() {
        // _tabController!.index = value;
        _motionTabBarController!.index = value;

add TabBarView to Scaffold body

  body: TabBarView(
    physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(), // swipe navigation handling is not supported
    // controller: _tabController,
    controller: _motionTabBarController,
    children: <Widget>[
      const Center(
        child: Text("Dashboard"),
      const Center(
        child: Text("Home"),
      const Center(
        child: Text("Profile"),
      const Center(
        child: Text("Settings"),

to change tabs programmatically


  // set MotionTabBarController index to new tab index
  onPressed: () => _motionTabBarController.index = 0,
  child: const Text('Dashboard Page'),
  // set MotionTabBarController index to new tab index
  onPressed: () => _motionTabBarController.index = 1,
  child: const Text('Home Page'),
