Principal Dev working for Gen Digital on lovely AEM/Javascript Things
Gen Digital / Norton LifelockIreland
Pinned Repositories
Dice Util For Board Games and Such
Bot For Checking HTTPS Security and Letting a List of Websites know by email/twitter with a series of personalised messages -> addition that will buy up expired domains if you set it correctly -> Make sure to add a .env file with the neccesary fields - clients list is purely an example switch these out for your own sites or otherwise
jobrien874's Repositories
Dice Util For Board Games and Such
Bot For Checking HTTPS Security and Letting a List of Websites know by email/twitter with a series of personalised messages -> addition that will buy up expired domains if you set it correctly -> Make sure to add a .env file with the neccesary fields - clients list is purely an example switch these out for your own sites or otherwise