
A REST student service in fastapi using sqlalchemy

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Python Student Service

This service stores Students and is an example of an architecture for a python fastapi micro-service.


Python Environment


Building Database image

cd docker/postgres
docker build --tag motimatic-postgres .

Starting db and updating to latest migration

make db  # db runs on port 5433 -> 5432 on docker

Building motimatic-student-svc base image

# from project-root
docker build --tag motimatic-student-base -f base.Dockerfile .

Login to Snyk

Only needed if you plan on running Snyk locally, right now CI handles Snyk scans

  1. Install Snyk

  2. Sign up for a Snyk account here

  3. Authenticate using your account

    snyk auth



make db # upgrade to the lastest revision
pipenv run alembic upgrade head # Upgrade to the most recent
pipenv run alembic upgrade +1 # Upgrade one migration
pipenv run alembic downgrade -2 # Downgrade two migrations
pipenv run alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf+2 # Upgrade to ae1027a6acf and two addition migrations forward

Generating new migrations automatically based on model changes

  • Update appropriate models in app/models
  • Run pipenv run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration name here"
  • Edit the generated migration file
    • NOTE: the generated migration may be missing imports or may have extraneous values added. As a result, the migration may not be executable immediately after generation
  • Test migration via make db

Generating new migrations manually

  • Run pipenv run alembic revision -m "migration name here"
  • Edit the generated migration file
  • Test migration via pipenv run alembic upgrade head

Starting, Testing, etc

A Makefile contains useful commands

Starting service

make db # start the postgres test database and run migrations
make start # service starts via the shell on port 8001 and auto-reloads

Starting service via docker-compose

docker-compose down postgres  # if you have started postgres with `make db` there will be issues
docker-compose build student-svc # if it hasn't been built
docker-compose up -d student-svc # starts on port 8002, -d is optional to run in demon mode
                                 # service auto-reloads

Run tests

make test

Fix formatting

make fix


make lint


make clean