Transform DOM to threejs texture

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Transform DOM to threejs texture



DOMTexture transform DOM to threejs texture with Blob and Foreign object SVG.


Include script

<script src="three.min.js"></script>
<script src="DOMTexture.min.js"></script>

create texture

    var domTexture = new THREE.DOMTexure(options, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy)
    // don't forget update texture when you update the dom
    domTexture.needsUpdate = true

the first parameter is options to set DOM, which can be a DOM, DOMString or object, other parameters is the same as THREE.Texture.

  // DOM
  new THREE.DOMTexture(document.createElement('div'))
  // DOMString
  new THREE.DOMTexture('<div>...</div>')
  // object
  new THREE.DOMTexture({
      width: <number> // internal DOM width, default 512
      height: <number> // internal DOM height, default 512
      content: <DOM | DOMString> // internal DOM

The methods that domTexture added on THREE.Texture:

  • setWidth - set internal DOM width
  • setHeight - set internal DOM height
  • setContent - set internal DOM [ DOM or DOMString ]
  • domInlineStyle - write the context style to the element. affect your DOM, useless for DOMString. after use, don't forget to set needsUpdate.


Due to the use of Foreign object SVG, there are some things to be aware of.

  • Internet Explorer is not supported, as it doesn't support the foreignObject tag in SVG.
  • SVG's foreignObject is subject to strong security, any external content will likely fail (i.e. link, iframes, web fonts)
    • if you want to <link> some stylesheet, you can use <style> and write CSS in it.
    • if you want to use <img>, you can use <div> and set the image as background. --WARN: The background can not be a URL, but it can be base64
  • DOMTexture can get style inside the <style> of the internal DOM, but can not get in the document context. you can run domTexture.domInlineStyle() to write the context style to the element. --WARN: domInlineStyle will affect your DOM, useless for DOMString


  • binding some DOM events to texture
  • transform <img> and <link>


MIT licensed

Copyright (c) 2017 jinrui