
A simple TDD workshop with exercises. Version 2.0

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple TDD workshop with exercises. 2.0 version (1.0 version: https://github.com/jocafernanro/tdd_workshop)

Calculator TDD exercise

Implement a basic calculator following the TDD principles and good practices.


  • Addition (+):
    • Sum two natural numbers
    • No negative values
    • Just numbers. Don't accept any other type of data
  • Subtraction (-):
    • Subtract one natural number from another.
    • No negative results (ensure first number is always greater or equal to the second).
    • Accept only numbers, no other data types.
  • Multiplication (*):
    • Multiply two natural numbers.
    • No negative values.
    • Accept only numbers, no other data types.
    • Multiplying any number by zero should return zero.
  • Division (/):
    • Divide one natural number by another.
    • No negative values.
    • Accept only numbers, no other data types.
    • Division by zero is not allowed and should be handled appropriately.
  • Check if a Number is Odd
    • Determine if a given natural number is odd.
    • Accept only natural numbers, no other data types.
    • Negative numbers or zero should not be considered.
  • Check if a Number is Even
    • Determine if a given natural number is even.
    • Accept only natural numbers, no other data types.
    • Negative numbers or zero should not be considered.

Test cases


  • Sum 4 + 6: Expected result 10.
  • Sum 20 + 3: Expected result 23.
  • Sum 0 + 7: Expected result 7.
  • Sum 0 + 0: Expected result 0.
  • Sum with Non-Number (e.g., 'a' + 5): Expected to throw an error.


  • Subtract 5 - 3: Expected result 2.
  • Subtract 20 - 7: Expected result 13.
  • Subtract 3 - 3: Expected result 0.
  • Subtract with Non-Number (e.g., 5 - 'b'): Expected to throw an error.
  • Subtract 3 - 5: Expected to handle/throw an error (no negative results).


  • Multiply 4 * 3: Expected result 12.
  • Multiply 5 * 10: Expected result 50.
  • Multiply 5 * 0: Expected result 0.
  • Multiply with Non-Number (e.g., 'a' * 2): Expected to throw an error.
  • Multiply 0 * 0: Expected result 0.


  • Divide 6 / 3: Expected result 2.
  • Divide 25 / 5: Expected result 5.
  • Divide 5 / 0: Expected to throw an error or handle it.
  • Divide with Non-Number (e.g., 9 / 'c'): Expected to throw an error.
  • Divide 0 / 3: Expected result 0.

Check if a Number is Odd

  • Check Odd for 3: Expected result true.
  • Check Odd for 6: Expected result true.
  • Check Odd for 4: Expected result false.
  • Check Odd for 0: Expected to throw an error or handle it.
  • Check Odd with Non-Number (e.g., 'a'): Expected to throw an error.

Check if a Number is Even

  • Check Even for 4: Expected result true.
  • Check Even for 8: Expected result true.
  • Check Even for 3: Expected result false.
  • Check Even for 0: Expected to throw an error or handle it.
  • Check Even with Non-Number (e.g., 'b'): Expected to throw an error.


Install dependencies: npm install

Run all tests: npm run tests

Run all tests and watch changes: npm run tests:watch