
Website for the Central Ohio Python Users Group

Primary LanguageHTML

COhPy.org website   

In order to develop locally, please set a SECRET_KEY and BROWSER in your .bash_profile (If BROWSER='HEADLESS', then the functional tests will run with PhantomJS, otherwise they default to Firefox:

SECRET_KEY='your secret key'
export BROWSER

To run the development server, navigate to the cohpy directory and run:

$ python manage.py runserver

To run all tests (from the cohpy directory):

$ py.test -v

To run only meetup unit tests:

$ py.test meetups -v

To run only functional tests:

$ py.test functional_tests -v

Note: Firefox is currently required for the functional tests

To check test coverage, use pytest-cov:

$ py.test meetups --cov=meetups --cov-report=html

This will produce an html report in the project directory.

Open the report in a browser htmlcov/index.html.

Test data generation:

To create fixture data to be used in tests:

$ python manage.py dumpdata meetups python_resources info_blocks --indent 2 > fixtures/testdata.json

Production setup

To setup the system to run in a production environment, or recreate how it is running in production today, please follow the instructions and use the files provided in the prod_setup directory.


pytest-django documentation - https://pytest-django.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html

pytest-cov - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-cov

Testing tutorial - https://realpython.com/blog/python/testing-in-django-part-1-best-practices-and-examples/