
Code to generate page with links to commonly used sites

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code to generate page with links to commonly used sites


  • Python (3.6 or greater)


1. Create virtualenv

python3 -m venv homepage-venv

2. Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/jocassid/homepage.git

3. Activate the virtualenv

In Linux / Unix /Mac OS

source homepage-venv/bin/activate

Windows (Powershell)

& homepage-venv\Scripts\activate.ps1

4. Install Python dependencies

cd homepage
pip install -r requirements.txt

Using the homepage script

If you just installed the application your virtual environment is active, and you can run the homepage.py script. Otherwise, follow the steps under Installation > Activate the virtualenv .

Using example.yaml as a template, create your own .yaml file with the links and other page elements you wish to include. If you want your yaml file to reside within the homepage directory created a homepage/private directory and store your .yaml file there.

The syntax for running the script under Linux/MacOS/Unix is:


An example using the Linux/MacOS/Unix of this command would be:

./homepage.py private/personal_homepage.yaml dist/

On Windows systems you typically need to use the following command


homepage YAML Syntax

Basic Structure

The basic structure of the YAML document is shown below. The intent is for the YAML file to define one or more[1] HTML files. Currently, a page contains number of cards. Each card can have a number of items in its contents.

version indicates the version of the homepage YAML syntax. If not specified, the program assumes version 1 syntax [2]

The content_sort provides a list of card titles to control the order in which cards are shown without having to re-order large chunks of the YAML file. content_sort is an optional element. If card titles are omitted from this list, those cards will be shown in document order after the specified cards.

  1. I'm not sure of the "or more" part works yet
  2. So far no changes have been made to the syntax that aren't backwards compatible.
%YAML 1.2
version: 1
  - file: index.html
    template: index.html
    - Python
    - JavaScript
      - type: card
        title: Network
          - type: link
            label: Python
            href: https://python.org


A card is a block (<div>) containing title and a number of items. The type: card and title values are required. The href value is optional. If the href value is present the title will be a link

- type: card
  title: JavaScript
  href: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
  - type: link
    label: Jquery
    href: https://jquery.com/


A link is one of the items that go in the contents of a Card. type, label, and href are all required.

- type: link
  label: Jquery
  href: https://jquery.com/

Link Groups

Link groups allow a few links to be displayed together on the same line.
In the example below the first label, href pair is the left-most link on the line. Within the link group's links attribute are pairs of label, href pairs defining the rest of the links on the line.

- type: link group
  label: nodejs
  href: https://nodejs.org/
  - label: learn nodejs
    href: https://nodejs.dev/learn


Menu's display a Number of links in some sort of drop-down (i.e. a <select> element). The label is the text shown when the drop-down is collapsed. The label, href pairs define the links shown in the drop-down.

- type: menu
  label: Libraries ...
  - label: Bokeh
    href: https://bokeh.pydata.org
  - label: cyclonedx-python
    href: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-python
  - label: cyclonedx-python-lib
    href: https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-python-lib


Searches are displayed as a text field and a button to run the search. The syntax is similar to links, but the URL in the href attribute contains the string "SEARCH_STRING". When the button is clicked, SEARCH_STRING is replaced by the value in the text field, and the resulting URL is opened.

- type: search
  label: Wiktionary
  href: https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?search=SEARCH_STRING