A webapp for boardcasting netlify deploy status

By using netlify functions and github API, this webapp notifies GitHub for the netlify deploy status of your site.

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  1. Deploy this repo as a new netlify site, say https://<NAME>.netlify.app
  2. In the deploy settings of the new site, create an environment variable JWS_SECRET and put
    some random text in it. It is a custom secret used to verify the identity of the triggerer.
  3. Go to GitHub to generate a personal access token. Check out scope repo:status.
  4. Then go to the deploy notifiction settings of the your own site, add outgoing webhooks for "Deploy started", "Deploy succeeded" and "Deploy failed" by putting https://<NAME>.netlify.app.netlify/functions/notify?token=<TOKEN> in "URL to notify" and the value of JWS_SECRET in "JWS secret token". <TOKEN> should be replaced by the token that you generated from GitHub earlier.