This is a currency converter that uses historical rates against a reference currency (Euro).
The default source is the European Central Bank. This is the ECB historical rates for 42 currencies against the Euro since 1999. It can be downloaded here: The converter can use different sources as long as the format is the same.
You can install directly after cloning:
$ python install --user
Or use the Python package:
$ pip install --user currencyconverter
$ python 100 EUR --to USD
"100 EUR" is "137.59 USD" on 2014-03-28.
After installation, you should have currency_converter
in your $PATH
$ currency_converter 100 USD -d 2013-12-12
>>> from currency_converter import CurrencyConverter
>>> c = CurrencyConverter()
Convert from EUR to USD:
>>> c.convert(100, 'EUR', 'USD') # doctest: +SKIP
Default target currency is EUR:
>>> c.convert(100, 'EUR')
>>> c.convert(100, 'USD') # doctest: +SKIP
Change reference date for rate:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> c.convert(100, 'EUR', 'USD', date=datetime(2013, 03, 21))
Get a rate:
>>> c.get_rate('USD') # doctest: +SKIP
Fallback mode on not supported dates:
>>> c = CurrencyConverter(fallback_on_wrong_date=True, verbose=True)
>>> c.convert(100, 'EUR', 'USD', date=datetime(1986, 02, 02))
/!\ Invalid date (currency was EUR), fallback to 1999-01-04
/!\ Invalid date (currency was USD), fallback to 1999-01-04
Sometimes rates are missing:
>>> c.convert(100, 'BGN', date=datetime(1999, 11, 10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
RateNotFoundError: Currency BGN has no rate for date 1999-11-10.
But we also have a fallback mode for those:
>>> c = CurrencyConverter(fallback_on_wrong_date=True,
... fallback_on_missing_rate=True,
... verbose=True)
>>> c.convert(100, 'BGN', date=datetime(1999, 11, 10))
/!\ Missing rate for BGN, fallback to 2000-07-19
>>> c.convert(100, 'BGN', 'EUR', date=datetime(1980, 1, 1))
/!\ Invalid date (currency was BGN), fallback to 1999-01-04
/!\ Missing rate for BGN, fallback to 2000-07-19
/!\ Invalid date (currency was EUR), fallback to 1999-01-04
Other public members:
>>> c.last_date
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 11, 0, 0)
>>> min(c.dates)
datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 4, 0, 0)
>>> sorted(c.currencies)
['AUD', 'BGN', 'BRL', 'CAD', 'CHF', 'CNY', 'CYP', 'CZK', 'DKK', ...
Error cases:
>>> c = CurrencyConverter()
>>> c.get_rate('BGN', date=datetime(1999, 11, 10)) # None, rate is missing
>>> c.get_rate('AAA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Currency AAA not supported.