
jQuery DOM-element hashing plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


jQuery DOM-element hashing plugin

Supported hashing methods

  • base64
  • md5
  • sha1

Compiling your owns

If you want to compile your own version or modification of jquery.hash

  1. npm install
  2. node compile
  3. Grab the out/jquery.hash.min.js file and plug it in!



$elem = $("#myBeautifulDiv");
hash_b64 = $elem.hash(); //same: $elem.hash({method: "base64"});
hash_sha1 = $elem.hash({method: "sha1"});

Hashing strings

var hashes = [];
hashes.push($.hashing.base64("Hello jQuery!")); // SGVsbG8galF1ZXJ5IQ==
hashes.push($.hashing.md5("Hello jQuery!")); // 9d1fd739fcb7ea5d78648cd7b0b3d4cf6f893de2 
hashes.push($.hashing.sha1("Hello jQuery!")); // db9c2df4a3eade3665a593b1f38dc163

Adding more hashing methods

You can fork this project to add more, but you also wrie your extension without publishing.

  1. Create $.hashing.METHOD_NAME where METHOD_NAME is the name of the hashing method.
  2. Add the METHOD_NAME to the $.hashing.methods array.
  3. Your method should work with i.e. $("#myBeautifulDiv").hash({method: "my_hashing"});


  • More hashing methods