
First setup ansible to connect to the host. Then run the playbook.

ansible-playbook main.yml -l HOSTNAME

Download or copy osm dump to /srv/gis/osm/:

scp berlin-latest.osm.bz2 tiles.vm:/srv/gis/osm/berlin-latest.osm.pbf

Log into the machine setup the postgis database:

su - postgres
/srv/gis/bin/ postgis_berlin

Ingest the OSM dump using osm2pgsql.

osm2pgsql -m -d postgis_berlin /srv/gis/osm/berlin-latest.osm.pbf

If RAM is low use -s (slim). For a bigger osm dump (like germany-latest.osm.pbf) use -C 3000 to increase the cache size.

Clone the bbs theme:

git clone /srv/gis/mapnik/bbs

Fetch the needed shapefiles for the bbs theme:

cd /srv/gis/mapnik/bbs

Force ownership for /srv/gis:

chown -R gis:gis /srv/gis

Setup VirtualHost in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    WSGIDaemonProcess tilestache user=gis group=gis processes=2
    WSGIProcessGroup tilestache
    WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/gis/tilestache/

    <Directory /srv/gis/tilestache/>
            Require all granted

Setup TileStache in /srv/gis/tilestache/tilestache.cfg:

  "cache": {
    "name": "Multi",
    "tiers": [
        "name": "Memcache"
        "name": "Disk",
        "path": "/srv/gis/cache"
  "layers": {
    "bbs-germany": {
      "provider": {
        "name": "mapnik",
        "mapfile": "/srv/gis/mapnik/bbs/germany.xml"
      "preview": {
        "lat": 52.518611,
        "lon": 13.408333,
        "zoom": 15

or for development:

  "cache": {
    "name": "Test"
  "layers": {
    "bbs-germany": {
      "provider": {
        "name": "mapnik",
        "mapfile": "/srv/gis/mapnik/bbs/germany.xml"
      "preview": {
        "lat": 52.518611,
        "lon": 13.408333,
        "zoom": 15

Restart Apache.