OS-finalproject: Project Readme


This project simulates simple concepts for a real-time operating system focusing on real-time scheduling, inter-process communication, and memory management for tasks in a temperature monitoring device. The 4 taks of the system are temperature measurement, data logging, user interface, and alarm handling. It consists of several modules including process management, inter-process communication, memory management, and context switching to simulate the microkernel of the rtos.

Design: Modules

Process Management

  • process_management.h: Defines the process control block (PCB) structure and functions for managing processes, such as creating processes, starting, suspending, resuming, and terminating processes.

Inter-process Communication

  • inter_process_communication.h: Implements functions for inter-process communication using shared memory and semaphores. It includes functions for sending, receiving, and broadcasting messages, as well as reading from and writing to shared memory.

Memory Management

  • memory_management.h: Provides functions for managing memory allocation and deallocation. It includes functions for initializing the memory manager, allocating memory, freeing memory, and checking for memory leaks.

Context Switching

  • context_switching.h: Defines structures and functions for managing task contexts and performing context switches between tasks. It includes functions for initializing task contexts and performing context switches.


To use this project, include the necessary header files in the source code and link the corresponding implementation files during compilation. For example:

gcc -o main src/main.c src/process_management.c src/inter_process_communication.c src/memory_management.c src/context_switching.c -Isrc -pthread

Ensure that you initialize the memory manager and inter-process communication module before using them in your application.


The main.c file provides an example usage of the modules included in this project. It demonstrates how to create processes, perform real-time scheduling, and communicate between processes using inter-process communication.