
This Terraform module deploys an Aviatrix Transit VPC and Transit Gateways in an AliCloud region in China and interconnects it with an existing Aviatrix Transit VPC deployed in any AliCloud region through CEN

Primary LanguageHCL

Aviatrix China and Global Interconnection Using AliCloud CEN



This Terraform module deploys and interconnects two Aviatrix Transit VPCs in AliCloud using AliCloud (CEN)[https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/cloud-enterprise-network/latest/what-is-cloud-enterprise-network#concept-2090845]

This Terraform module:

  • Is limited to Controllers deployed in Azure or AWS China running version 6.7 - 6.9
  • Creates one Transit VPC and Aviatrix Transit Gateways in a region in AliCloud China
  • Creates one Transit VPC and Aviatrix Transit Gateways in a region in AliCloud Global
  • Creates an AliCloud CEN instance and transit routers in the China and Global regions that will be interconnected and attached the created Transit VPCs
  • Creates the required route table artifacts to achieve communication between the Transit VPCs across the regions
  • Creates Site-to-Cloud connections between the Avaitrix Transit Gateways
  • CEN Inter-region connection pricing defaults to Pay-by-data-transfer
  • Optionally, it creates a CEN Bandwidth package, or uses an existing CEN Bandwidth package if one is specified
  • Adds one or two security rules to the existing NSG associated with an Azure Controller deployed in China, depending on whether the Gateways are deployed in HA or not


  1. Terraform v0.13+ - execute terraform files


Name Version
azurerm ~> 3.52
alicloud ~> 1.203.0
aviatrix >= 2.22.0

Available Modules

Module Description
aviatrix_alicloud_china_gateway_azure_controller_nsg Automates the creation of NSG rules in the NSG attached to an Aviatrix Controller deployed in Azure China for Aviatrix Gateways deployed in AliCloud in China regions
alicloud-cen-deploy Deploys an AliCloud CEN and interconnects two existing VPCs to the CEN

Procedures for Running This Module

1. Authenticating to Azure

Set the environment in Azure CLI to Azure China:

az cloud set -n AzureChinaCloud

Login to the Azure CLI using:

az login --use-device-code

Note: Please refer to the documentation for different methods of authentication to Azure, incase above command is not applicable.

Pick the subscription you want and use it in the command below.

az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

Set environment variables ARM_ENDPOINT and ARM_ENVIRONMENT to use Azure China endpoints:

export ARM_ENDPOINT=https://management.chinacloudapi.cn
export ARM_ENVIRONMENT=china

If executing this code from a CI/CD pipeline, the following environment variables are required. The service principal used to authenticate the CI/CD tool into Azure must either have subscription owner role or a custom role that has Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write to be able to succesfully create the role assignments required

export ARM_CLIENT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_TENANT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

2. Authenticating to AliCloud

Set environment variables ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY and ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY:

export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="anaccesskey"
export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="asecretkey"

3. Applying Terraform configuration

IMPORTANT: If flag ha_enabled was set to false during intial deployment and HA is required afterwads, terraform destroy must be run first, change the flag to true and redeploy, otherwise the HAGW won't complete provisioning before the controllers times out and rollsback the HAGW deployment, this is because Aviatrix doesn't support pre-assigning EIPs to Gateways deployed in AliCloud and this module uses a sleep timer resource to obtain the value of the IP addresses to add to the Azure Controller NSG

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "~> 3.52.0"
    alicloud = {
      source = "aliyun/alicloud"
      version = "~> 1.203.0"
      configuration_aliases = [alicloud.china, alicloud.global]
    aviatrix = {
      source = "AviatrixSystems/aviatrix"
      version = "~> 2.24.3"
      configuration_aliases = [aviatrix.china, aviatrix.global]

provider aviatrix {
  // This is the default provider, which needs to be the Controller in China Region

provider aviatrix {
  alias                   = "global"
  // additional configuration

provider "alicloud" {
  alias = "china"
  region = "cn-beijing"

provider "alicloud" {
  alias = "global"
  region = "ap-southeast-1"

provider azurerm {
    environment = "china"
    features {}    

module "interconnect_global_china" {
  providers = {
    aviatrix.global = aviatrix.global
    alicloud.global = alicloud.global
    alicloud.china  = alicloud.china

  source = "github.com/jocortems/aviatrix_alicloud_china_global_cen_interconnect"
  controller_cloud                                      = "Azure/AWS"                               # Required. What cloud is the controller deployed
  china_controller_account_name                         = "ali-account"                             # Required. Name of the AliCloud account onboarded on China Aviatrix Controller
  global_controller_account_name                        = "ali-account"                             # Required. Name of the AliCloud account onboarded on Global Aviatrix Controller
  controller_nsg_name                                   = "controllerha-nsg"                        # Optional. Required if controller is deployed in Azure. Name of the NSG associated with the Aviatrix Controller deployed in China Region
  controller_nsg_resource_group_name                    = "china-controller"                        # Optional. Required if controller is deployed in Azure. Name of the Resource Group associated with the NSG for the Aviatrix Controller deployed in China Region
  controller_nsg_rule_priority                          = 1000                                      # Optional. Required if controller is deployed in Azure. Priority of the NSG rule associated with the Aviatrix Controller deployed in China Region. This number must be unique, before assigning verify the NSG does not have a rule with the same priority. If deploying the Gateway in HA two rules will be created using consecutive priorities, the priority specified here will be for the first gateway
  ha_enabled                                            = true/false                                # Optional. Default true
  china_transit_vpc_name                                = "china-transit-vpc"                       # Required.
  gw_china_region                                       = "acs-cn-beijing (Beijing)"                # Required. Name of the China Region to deploy the Aviatrix Transit Gateways to. Must match display name in Aviatrix Controller
  china_gateway_name                                    = "china-transit-gw"                        # Optional. Name of the Transit Gateway in China. If not provided defaults to the value of china_transit_vpc_name
  china_gateway_size                                    = "ecs.g5ne.large"                          # Optional. Default ecs.g5ne.large
  china_vpc_cidr                                        = ""                           # Required. Must be between /23 and /20
  china_gateway_bgp_asn                                 = 64901                                     # Required. Must be unique in the network
  enable_segmentation_china                             = true/false                                # Optional. Default false        
  global_transit_vpc_name                               = "global-transit-vpc"                      # Required
  gw_global_region                                      = "acs-ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)"          # Required. Name of the Global Region to deploy the Aviatrix Transit Gateways to. Must match display name in Aviatrix Controller
  global_gateway_name                                   = "global-transit-gw"                       # Optional. Name of the Transit Gateway in Global. If not provided defaults to the value of global_transit_vpc_name
  global_gateway_size                                   = "ecs.g5ne.large"                          # Optional. Default ecs.g5ne.large
  global_vpc_cidr                                       = ""                           # Required. Must be between /23 and /20
  global_gateway_bgp_asn                                = 64902                                     # Required. Must be unique in the network
  enable_segmentation_global                            = true/false                                # Optional. Default false        
  ali_china_region                                      = "cn-beijing"                              # Required. Region ID where the existing VPC in China is deployed 
  ali_global_region                                     = "ap-southeast-1"                          # Required. Region ID where the existing VPC in Global is deployed 
  cen_name                                              = "my-cen"                                  # Optional. Specify if need to create new CEN. One of cen_instance_id or cen_name is required
  cen_instance_id                                       = "cen-idxyz"                               # Optional. Specify if using existing CEN. Conflicts with cen_name
  cen_global_geo                                        = "Asia-Pacific"                            # Optional. Required if creating new CEN instance (cen_name is provided). Valid values are "Asia-Pacific", "North-America", "Europe" and "Australia"
  pre_shared_key                                        = "s2cipseckey"                             # Required. Site-to-Cloud IPSec VPN key
  cen_bandwidth_type                                    = "DataTransfer"                            # Optional. Default "DataTransfer". If using a Bandwidth plan with CEN change to "BandwidthPackage"
  cen_bandwidth_package_name                            = var.cen_bandwidth_package_name            # Optional. If specified creates a bandwidth package for the CEN. Conflicts with cen_bandwidth_package_id. Leave blank if using existing CEN
  cen_bandwidth_package_id                              = var.cen_bandwidth_package_id              # Optional. Specifies an existing bandwidth package to use with CEN. Conflicts with cen_bandwidth_package_name. Leave blank if using existing CEN
  cen_bandwidth_package_bandwdith                       = 100                                       # Optional. Default 100Mbps. Only needed if cen_bandwidth_package_name is specified
  cen_bandwidth_package_period                          = 1                                         # Optional. Default 1 month. Only needed if cen_bandwidth_package_name is specified  
  cen_bandwidth_limit                                   = 100                                       # Optional. Default 100Mbps. Needed if either cen_bandwidth_package_name or cen_bandwidth_package_id are specified. Must be less than or equal to cen_bandwidth_package_bandwdith if creating a bandwidth package, or less than the existing bandwidth package bandwidth if using an existing one  
  cen_transit_router_peer_attachment_bandwidth_limit    = 100                                       # Optional. Defaults to 100Mbps. This value is used regardless of whether a bandwidth package is used or not 
  bgp_manual_spoke_advertise_cidrs_china                =                                           # Optional. Default Null. List of CIDRs to be advertised to on-premises via BGP. For example ","
  bgp_manual_spoke_advertise_cidrs_global               =                                           # Optional. Default Null. List of CIDRs to be advertised to on-premises via BGP. For example "," 
  bgp_polling_time_china                                = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds. BGP polling time in seconds between gateway and controller
  bgp_polling_time_global                               = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds. BGP polling time in seconds between gateway and controller
  bgp_hold_time_china                                   = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds
  bgp_hold_time_global                                  = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds
  prepend_as_path_china                                 = []                                        # Optional. Default empty list
  prepend_as_path_global                                = []                                        # Optional. Default empty list
  bgp_ecmp_china                                        = true/false                                # Optional. Default true
  bgp_ecmp_global                                       = true/false                                # Optional. Default true
  enable_preserve_as_path_china                         = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  enable_preserve_as_path_global                        = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  customized_spoke_vpc_routes_china                     =                                           # Optional. Default null
  customized_spoke_vpc_routes_global                    =                                           # Optional. Default null
  excluded_advertised_spoke_routes_china                =                                           # Optional. Default null
  excluded_advertised_spoke_routes_global               =                                           # Optional. Default null
  enable_learned_cidrs_approval_china                   = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  enable_learned_cidrs_approval_global                  = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  learned_cidrs_approval_mode_china                     = "gateway"                                 # Optional. Default "gateway"
  learned_cidrs_approval_mode_global                    = "gateway"                                 # Optional. Default "gateway"
  approved_learned_cidrs_china                          = []                                        # Optional. Default empty list
  approved_learned_cidrs_global                         = []                                        # Optional. Default empty list
  enable_vpc_dns_server_china                           = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  enable_vpc_dns_server_global                          = true/false                                # Optional. Default false
  china_gw_tags                                         = {}                                        # Optional. Default empty
  global_gw_tags                                        = {}                                        # Optional. Default empty
  tunnel_detection_time_china                           = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds
  tunnel_detection_time_global                          = 20                                        # Optional. Default 20 seconds
  tunnel_supernet                                       = ""                          # Optional. APIPA CIDR range used for Aviatrix S2C tunnel endpoints between China and Global 


terraform init
terraform apply --var-file=<terraform.tfvars>