Structure web pages, using the HYPERTEXT MARKUP language (HTML 5),
for the formation of a framework on which dynamic functionalities will be built;
Apply style features to WEB pages using style markup language (CSS
3), to practice software engineering techniques such as ease of understanding, reuse of
code, maintainability and interoperability;
Apply style features to WEB pages using style markup language (CSS
3), to practice software engineering techniques such as ease of understanding, reuse of
code, maintainability and interoperability;
Employ programmability on web pages, using Javascript language, most used in
market, for the development of a web system with dynamic functionalities;
Employ programmability on web pages, using AJAX and PHP language, quite common in
legacy systems, for the development of a web system with dynamic functionalities;
Integrate a DBMS into a web system, based on the PHP language and the PDO class, so that the
system is capable of handling masses of structured data.

DEITEL, Paul J.; DEITEL, Harvey M. Ajax, Rich Internet Applications e desenvolvimento Web
para programadores. São Paulo: Pearson, 2008.
Disponível em:
PLOTZE, Rodrigo. Tecnologias WEB. Rio de Janeiro: SESES, 2015.
Disponível em:­2335­
TERUEL, Evandro C. HTML 5 Guia Prático. 2ª Ed. São Paulo: Érica, 2014.
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FLANAGAN, David. JavaScript: O Guia Definitivo. 6ª Ed. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2014.
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FONSECA, Cleber C. Programação para Internet Rica. Rio de Janeiro: SESES, 2016.
Disponível em:­57D1­
HAROLD, Elliotte R. Refatorando HTML ­ Como Melhorar o Projeto de Aplicações Web
Existentes. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2010.
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MILETTO, Evandro M.; BERTAGNOLLI, Silvia C. Desenvolvimento de Software II: Introdução
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MILETTO, Evandro M.; BERTAGNOLLI, Silvia C. Desenvolvimento de Software II: Introdução
ao Desenvolvimento Web com HTML, CSS, JavaScript e PHP. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2014.
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SOARES, Walace. PHP 5 ­ Conceitos, Programação e Integração com Banco de Dados. 7ª Ed. São
Paulo: Érica, 2013.
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