
This is code for a series of videos where I build a full-stack web application with ReactJS and the Flask framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flask + ReactJS Recipes

This is a series of videos in which I talk about full stack web application development using Python Flask and the ReactJS library.

About the project

The project is a simple recipe app that allows simple CRUD actions against a Flask REST API.

What to cover

Backend Development

  • Creating REST APIs with Flask with Flask-RestX
  • Using Flask-SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Carrying Out Database Migrations with Flask-Migrate
  • JWT Authentication with Flask-JWT-Extended
  • Testing Flask API with Unittest

Frontend Development

  • Creating React Components
  • React Hooks
  • React Hooks
  • JWT Authentication on the frontend
  • Making API Calls with Fetch API

Video Playlist

Build a Full stack web app with Flask and ReactJS

Live Demo On Render.com

View The project here

To run this project

  1. Clone the Git repository
  2. In the root folder, create a virtual environment using your favorite method.
  3. Install project dependencies with
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run project with python run.py
  5. Run test pytest