
Exception when tracking attributes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I just tried the example in README and there's such an exception:

[main] INFO org.refactoringminer.util.GitServiceImpl - Cloning ...
[main] INFO org.refactoringminer.rm1.GitHistoryRefactoringMinerImpl - Processing tmp/checkstyle 119fd4fb33bef9f5c66fc950396669af842c21a3 ...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.String'
	at org.codetracker.element.Attribute.of(
	at org.codetracker.AttributeTrackerImpl.getAttribute(
	at org.codetracker.AttributeTrackerImpl.getAttribute(
	at org.codetracker.AttributeTrackerImpl.track(
	at app.App.main(```

We have made some changes in the RefactoringMiner APIs
It's better to use branch
and build RefactoringMiner from the latest commit using command
gradle publishToMavenLocal

We will make soon a new release for CodeTracker that supports tracking code blocks (for, if, while, try)