
Lab on the basic capabilities of Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lab on the basic capabilities of Webpack. Requires a node.js version of >= 4.0.0.


Each directory is its own example project. You can install dependencies for all of them in one fell swoop:



For every lab directory you want to test:

cd <directory>
npm start

This will build the project and launch a browser window. Build results will be located in the /build directory.


Verify the expected results by examining the generated content in the respective /build directories. Take note of the loaders and plugins involved in each example.


Verify that a bundle has been created and that there is a <h1> element present.


Verify that a bundle has been created, that code has been transpiled into ECMAScript 5 (i.e. const has been converted into var) and that there is a <h1> element present.


Verify that a bundle has been created, that CSS is included in that bundle and that there is a tomato colored <h1> element present.

Note how style-loader and css-loader dramatically increase the bundle size with boilerplate code.


Verify that a bundle has been created, that a seperate CSS file has been created alongside with it and that there is a chocolate colored <h1> element present.

Note how ExtractTextPlugin removes the boilerplate code previously introduced, as it is no longer necessary.


Verify that a bundle has been created, that HTML is included in that bundle and that there is a <h1> element present.


Verify that by changing CSS or JavaScript, it will be immediately reflected in the browser window through hot module replacement (HMR).

Note that this requires a different setup than previous examples, such as index.html needing to be present in the directory pointed out by --content-base.


Verify that when clicking the "Add paragraph" button, the generated file 2.2.js (created from paragraph.js) is lazy loaded and a paragraph is appended to the DOM.

Note that this requires setting the output.publicPath configuration setting in order for split chunks to know which directory to load relative from.


Create a project of your own (e.g. by copying /01-bundle as a starting point) and create a simple layout with a header, body and footer area. Each area should be contained in separate templates and stylesheets.

Remember that your project needs a single point of entry, such as src/index.js.

Example templates


<div role="banner">


<div role="main">
  <p>Possibly the greatest bundler in the world.</p>


<div role="contentinfo">
  <p>© Jayway</p>