An MVP created in 10 days to make organising a hen party easier for maids of honour.
Created by @Harrisam2, @jamesjoshuahill and @jodiealaine.
Samantha is very exicited to be her friend's maid of honour. However, organising 15 girls on a weekend away with their many competing ideas and suggestions was not an easy task. So we got together to create an app to make her job easier.
We used agile to focus our efforts and prioritise the core features needed for this MVP. After 10 days we presented the app to over 100 people at the Makers Academy graduation on Friday 8 November 2013.
For the duration of the project Jodie had to work from home in Cardiff, whilst Samantha and Josh worked in London. We only had one session together with a whiteboard.
- Daily Skype sit-downs
- GitHub for version control
- AgileZen for a kanban board of our user stories
- for remote pairing
- Rails 4
- Ruby 2
- PostgreSQL
- RSpec, Capybara and Cucumber
- Factory Girl, Shoulda and Database Cleaner
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- JavaScript, CoffeeScript
- D3.js, jQuery UI
- Devise
- RestClient and Mailgun API
- Expedia Affiliate Network API
- Invisible Hands API
- GitHub Markdown
- Deployed to Heroku