
Camera entity for images, to create a slidehow or timelapse from images in a directory. The camra support browsing manually trough the slideshow also. The creation of anmiated Gif or mp4 is also supported by services

Primary LanguagePython



Homeassistant custom component for serveral operations on snapshots images and display the images in a homeassistant camera entity.

Supported operations:

  • compose an animated GIF or MP4 of selected snapshot (PNG, JPEG)
  • delete or move files (JPG,PNG,GIF and MP4)
  • looping timelaps camera for selected snapshots/images
  • browse trough images manually while displaying them in a camera view

This component was developed by my need of creating a looping animation from snapshot images that where created by the deepstack custom component.

This integration provides 3 methods for this:

  • create a animated GIF
  • create a mp4 video
  • display the snapshots with a camera entity within homeassistant The camera is using the selected snapshots directly from files without a intermediate format

The platform is designed for general use of converting snapshots to animated GIF or MP4, so it is useful for everyone who has to handle or deal with snapshots created by cameras of image processing software. The component can also be used to create a slideshow of pictures or create a timelaps video/camera from pictures in a directory

Platform setup

To use this component, copy the directory imagedirectoryand it contents to the custom_components directory of your homeassistant or use hacs and add this repository as custom repository to hacs.

Add the following line in your configuration.yaml:


Restart home-assistant after this.

If the custom component is installed correctly you should have the following services available:

imagedirectory.create This service is used to create of animated GIF or MP4 from selected files

imagedirectory.move This service is used to move selected files (PNG,JPG,GIF or MP4) to another direcory

imagedirectory.delete This service is used to delete selected files (PNG,JPG,GIF or MP4)

These services could be easily found under the development tools, tab services.



This service has to be called with the following calll-parameters:

Parameter Description additional
sourcepath path of the directory where the snaphots are in mandatory, directory must exist
destinationpath path of the directory where the GIF should be created mandatory, directory must exist
filename Name for gif/mp3 file (without extension) optional, default=latest
format gif or mp4 optional, default='gif'
exclude list of files to exclude in conversion optional
begintimestamp begin timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
lasthours Select only files from last x hours since lastfile in selected timerange optional, Default=0.0 =>select all files in the timerange

File selection

With the parameter exclude you could exclude certain files that should not be added in the created output file (gif or mp4)

Most solutions create a timestamped snapshot file and also a snapshot file with a fixed filename (for exampe: deepstack_object_xxxx_latest.jpg). In most cases you want to exclude such a file in the output file.

Time range selection

The begin and end timestamps are useful for selecting the snapshot files you want within a certain timeframe (N.B. this is the creation time of the file , not a timestamp format in the filename).

The combination of both timestamps will have a different filter behaviour

begintimestamp and endtimestamp defined: Files with creation time within the give range [begintimestamp,endtimestamp] wil be selected and proccesed for the output file.

No begintimestamp and endtimestamp defined: Als files in the directory will be selected

Only begintimestamp is defined: Files with creation time greater or equal then begintimestampwil be selected and proccesed for the output file.

Only endtimestamp is defined: Files with creation time less or equal then endtimestampwil be selected and proccesed for the output file.

The lasthours parameter that allows you to select only the latest x.x hours from the latest image within the given timerange. This parameters allows you to only include the snapshots that are made (for example) the last 2 hours in the fileselection. N.B. The use of the lasthour parameter could give you files that are create before the begintimestamp you defined.

Example for usage:

Parameter Value
sourcepath: /config/snapshots/oprit
destinationpath: /config/www
filename: latest_oprit
exclude: deepstack_object_camera_oprit_latest.jpg
begintimestamp '25/12/2020 23:24:24'
endtimestamp: '25/12/2020 23:24:40


Parameter Description additional
sourcepath directory where the snaphots are in mandatory, directory must exist
exclude list of files to exclude in conversion optional
begintimestamp begin timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
lasthours Select only files from last x hours since lastfile in selected timerange optional, Default=0.0 =>select all files in the timerange

The file selection function defined by exclude and the timestamps are identical as in the use with imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4


Parameter Description additional
sourcepath path of the directory where the snaphots are in mandatory, directory must exist
destinationpath path of the directory where the files should moved mandatory, directory must exist
exclude list of files to exclude in conversion optional
begintimestamp begin timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
lasthours Select only files from last x hours since lastfile in selected timerange optional, Default=0.0 =>select all files in the timerange

The file selection function defined by exclude and the timestamps are identical as in the use with imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4


When a service is called, an event will be triggerd after succesful operation of the service. This event could be used for example for notifications to the mobile app when a Gif or MP4 is created.

The event to listen for is: imagedirectory

This could also be easily explored with the developers tool event viewer, were you can listen to this event.

The field Type within the event data can be used to distinguish between the originated service of the event.

The event data contains information about the operation of the service:

Example event data:

For example the event, in case of the service call: imagedirectort.create_gif_mp4

    "event_type": "imagedirectory",
    "data": {
        "type": "create_gif_mp4",
        "file": "mylatest.gif",
        "path": "/config/www",
        "beginTimeStamp": "26/12/2020 14:17:00",
        "endTimeStamp": "26/12/2020 14:17:59",
        "no_files": 9,
        "sourcepath": "/config/snapshots/achtertuin",
        "sourcefiles": [
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2020-12-26T21:37:36.411617+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "a3340e0c0b66813d7a18ac93effaa0da",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

Camera entity

Altough the generated gif or mp4 could be easily displayed using the existing available camera entities in homeassistant, the availbilty of a camera component that is capable of directly serving the images to a camera component as a slideshow is much easier, more flexible and more user friendly. Also additional services are available to pause the slide show and using other services (next and previous) to browse mannualy trough the imagelist the cameraview is serving. An example to use these services in combination with a camera view by using the lovelace picture elements card will also be provided.


To enable this camera in your installation, you must first have an existing directory with images files Next, add the following to your configuration.yaml file in the camera section:

  - platform: imagedirectory
     name: achtertuin_motion
     sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
     exclude: deepstack_object_achtertuin_latest.jpg 
     lasthours: 2.0

The example above selects only the files, from the last 2 hours, since the time of the latest file in the directory /config/snapshots/achtertuin to display in the camera with a default delay of 1 sec between the images.

Configuration variables

Parameter Description additional
sourcepath directory where the snaphots are in mandatory, directory must exist
exclude list of files to exclude in the camera optional
delay_time Time in sec. between 2 frames in camera optional, Default 1.0 s)
begintimestamp begin timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
lasthours Select only files from last x hours since lastfile in selected timerange optional, Default=0.0 =>select all files in the timerange

The file selection function defined by exclude and the timestamps are identical as in the use with imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4 service.

The No. of files and the selected files that the camera is using are available as Attribute and could be examined under the developer tools under the STATES tab.

Camera services

The imagelist that the camera is using can be manipulated with 5 available service :

imagedirectory.camera_update_image_filelist, imagedirectory.camera_clear_image_filelist, imagedirectory.camera_camera_toggle_pause, imagedirectory.camera_next_image and imagedirectory.camera_prev_image

SERVICE : imagedirectory.camera_update_image_filelist

This service allows you to change the images the camera is using.

Parameter Description additional
entity_id entity_id of camera mandatory
sourcepath directory where the snaphots are in mandatory, directory must exist
exclude list of files to exclude in the camera optional
delay_time Time in sec. between 2 frames in camera optional, Default 1.0 s)
begintimestamp begin timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
endtimestamp end timestamp optional, format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
lasthours Select only files from last x hours since lastfile in selected timerange optional, Default=0.0 =>select all files in the timerange

For explanation of the parameters see cofiguration parameters camera.

SERVICE : imagedirectory.camera_clear_image_filelist

This service clears the imagelist that the camera is using. The camera will blank after this service. This service is manly used when you want to move or delete images with the other service described earlier.

Parameter Description additional
entity_id entity_id of camera mandatory

SERVICE : imagedirectory.camera_toggle_pause

This service will toggle the pause mode. When pause mode is activated the slideshow will be halted for 1 minute, so the current image in the cameraview we be freezed. By default the pause mode is off by default. When calling the other services imagedirectory.camera_next_image and imagedirectory.camera_prev_image during pause mode the 1 minute will be restarted. The pausemode of the camera will be reflected in the entity status of the camera. States are : streaming and paused

Parameter Description additional
entity_id entity_id of camera mandatory

SERVICE : imagedirectory.camera_next_image

This service will skip to the next image in the imagelist. When the end of the list is reached it will automatically skip to the first image of the image list with the next call.

Parameter Description additional
entity_id entity_id of camera mandatory

SERVICE : imagedirectory.camera_prev_image

This service will skip to the previous image in the imagelist. When the begining of the list is reached it will stay on the first image of the image list with the next call.

Parameter Description additional
entity_id entity_id of camera mandatory

Example camera view with picture elements:

This shows an example how to use the camera services to show and browse trough a imagelist.

alt text alt text

To use a view as above insert a picture elements card with the following configuration and replace the camera-entity with your own entity-id:

type: picture-elements
title: Achtertuin
entity: camera.achtertuin_motion
camera_image: camera.achtertuin_motion
camera_view: live
  - type: icon
    icon: 'mdi:skip-previous'
      background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'
      right: 50px
      bottom: 25px
      action: call-service
      service: imagedirectory.camera_prev_image
        entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion
  - type: icon
    icon: 'mdi:skip-next'
      background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'
      right: 0px
      bottom: 25px
      action: call-service
      service: imagedirectory.camera_next_image
        entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion
  - type: conditional
      - entity: camera.achtertuin_motion
        state: streaming
      - type: icon
        icon: 'mdi:pause'
          background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'
          bottom: 25px
          right: 25px
          action: call-service
          service: imagedirectory.camera_toggle_pause
            entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion
  - type: conditional
      - entity: camera.achtertuin_motion
        state: paused
      - type: icon
        icon: 'mdi:play'
          background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)'
          bottom: 25px
          right: 25px
          action: call-service
          service: imagedirectory.camera_toggle_pause
            entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion

Examples (Use cases):

Example 1: Deepstack object detection

This example uses deepstack and the deepstack_object_detection by @robmarkcole to detect objects in my camera feed.

The workflow with the underlying steps is as following:

Step 1 I have a input_boolean that signals that motion is detected. This could be a sensor or in my case a motion detection signal from the camera stream. This triggers the automation Step 2 The timestamp is saved in a variable, to mark the beginning of detection that could be used later on for the imagedirectory services.

Step 3 While motion is detected a camera image is send to deepstack (using the service image_processing.scan from the deepstack_object_integration)

This is repeated until no objects are detected anymore and no motion is active anymore

The result of this step are multiple snapshots that contains the captured objects with bounding boxes.

Step 4 When no objects are detected anymore and no motion is detected a new timestamp is created, to mark the end of the detection.

Step 5 A mp4 named latest_achtertuin.mp4 is created in the local media directory. This could be used, for example to notify your mobile phone with the MP4 as attachment. The event that will be generated by the service imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4 after completion will be used for this. See automation for creating a notification. In my case i only receive notifications when no one of my family is at home. When you want to use this example male sure you are enabled the mediasource integration.

This file could also be used in a generic camera for displaying the latest event.

Step 6 In my case i use the camera entity, so i need to update the camera with the latest images from the occuring events. I could have use the timestamps that are also use for creating the mp4 for mobile notification, but in my case i want a camera that shows me the last 2 hours of occuring events

alias: Objectdetection achtertuin
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.motion_backyard
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - variables:
      BeginTimeStamp: '{{now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")}}'
  #STEP 3
  - repeat:
        - condition: or
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.motion_backyard
              state: 'on'
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.object_achtertuin_detected
              state: 'on'
        - service: image_processing.scan
          data: {}
          entity_id: image_processing.deepstack_object_achtertuin
- variables:
      EndTimeStamp: '{{now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")}}'
- service: imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4
      sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
      destinationpath: /media
      format: mp4
      filename: latest_achtertuin
      exclude: deepstack_object_achtertuin_latest.jpg
      begintimestamp: '{{BeginTimeStamp}}'
      endtimestamp: '{{EndTimeStamp}}'
- service: imagedirectory.camera_update_image_filelist
      entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion
      sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
      exclude: deepstack_object_achtertuin_latest.jpg
      lasthours: 2
mode: single

Automation for setting: input_boolean.object_achtertuin_detected

alias: Object detection signal achtertuin
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: deepstack.object_detected
      entity_id: image_processing.deepstack_object_achtertuin
condition: []
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    data: {}
    entity_id: input_boolean.object_achtertuin_detected
  - delay: '00:00:07'
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
    entity_id: input_boolean.object_achtertuin_detected
mode: restart

Automation for notify to mobile phone

alias: Notify new detection achtertuin
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: imagedirectory
      type: create_gif_mp4
      sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
  - condition: state
    entity_id: group.gezin
    state: Away
  - service: notify.mobile_app_tf_jodur
      message: Object detection achtertuin
          url: 'media/local/latest_achtertuin.mp4'
          content-type: MPEG4
          hide-thumbnail: false
mode: single

Example 2: Script to archive snapshots from the past day to a mp4

This example shows an script to archive the created snaphots, that a made during the previous automation. I schedule this script for example at 00:05:00

Step 1 Create begintime and endtime for the imagedirectory services. With the variable daysback you can control from which day you want to archive the snapshots. In mycase i want to archive the previous day. The file that is created will have a date in its filename included

Step 2 Create the MP4

Step 3 Wait for the event that the MP4 creation has finished When a timeout occured, exit the script. Make sure to set the timeout long enoug in case you have many snapshot files. The creation of the MP4 could take some time

Step 4 Clear the image list from the current camera that is using the files

Step 5 Delete the snapshots you used to create the MP4

alias: Create MP4 from snapshots achtertuin previous day
  - variables:
      daysback: 1
      begintime: '{{(now()-timedelta(days=daysback)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}} 00:00:00'
      endtime: '{{(now()-timedelta(days=daysback)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}} 23:59:59'
      fname: >-
  - service: imagedirectory.create_gif_mp4
      sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
      destinationpath: /config/archive/achtertuin
      filename: '{{fname}}'
      format: mp4
      exclude: deepstack_object_achtertuin_latest.jpg
      begintimestamp: '{{begintime}}'
      endtimestamp: '{{endtime}}'
- wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: imagedirectory
          type: create_gif_mp4
          destinationpath: /config/archive/achtertuin
    timeout: '00:03:00'
    continue_on_timeout: false
 #STEP 4
 - service: imagedirectory.camera_clear_image_filelist
      entity_id: camera.achtertuin_motion
 #STEP 5
 - service: imagedirectory.delete_files
      sourcepath: /config/snapshots/achtertuin
      exclude: deepstack_object_achtertuin_latest.jpg
      endtimestamp: '{{endtime}}'
mode: single