
Fetch a dataset of a survey filled in by tech track students, and cleaning and rendering this dataset using the functional programming paradigm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Functional Programming

Survey data cleaning

preview Here you can see a preview of my assignment. I decided to combine the eyecolor and the favorite wind direction of the student.

Table of contents

💡 Concept

My concept was to fetch data from a survey filled in by students. After fetching the data i cleaned the data. Then i decided to display the eyecolor and favorite wind direction of the students.

⚙️ Installation

Clone the repo to your own device

$ git clone https://github.com/jody29/functional-programming.git

When using visual studio code, install the Live Server extension liveserver
Right clik on the index.html file and select
livepreview This way you can open the file in your browser

🙏 Wishlist

  • npm package to convert the color names to hexcode
  • npm package to convert the wind directions to emojis

✅ Rubric

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Application of subject matter Git, is used; the project runs without errors; data is loaded; there is a representation of data Data is sanitized and transformed; interpreting the representation is easier that interpreting the data itself Functional patterns are used to clean and transform data. Representation and use of chaining strong> go beyond an example. Code is set up in a modular way and has no unexpected side effects 😱
The way the student applies subject matter is more advanced than what they were taught in class; let’s switch places
Understanding There is substantial own code; the student can explain the code that exists The student can explain some parts of their code, how some parts works together, and some technical choices The student can explain every part of their code, how everything works together, and why patters are used instead of alternatives; the project is structured logically The project is complex but can easily be understood; alternatives to patterns covered in class was used that were great choices 🤓
The student deeply understands functional programming and can create their own functional code flows
Quality The project is handed in on time, working, documented, and on GitHub Code style is consistent; code and project are partially documented Code adheres to standards; docs cover what the project is and does Code quality is good and enforced; docs are useful and professional 📚
Code and docs both read like great books
Process Process is partially documented in the wiki Process is properly documented Choices are evaluated and documented; progress is demonstrated; Work tells a story Significant progress or iterations are demonstrated; Storytelling principles are applied 💪
What you did this course is amazing; Teachers are in awe of your progress

ℹ️ Resources


  • All the teachers at the CMD Tech Track.
  • My support group.
  • All other students who helped me in time of need.

inspiration sources

©️ License
