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This repository hosts the code to deploy a webserver to wrap around the function of TB-Profiler. Updates will follow soon!


Installation requires tb-profiler, flask, celery and redis. To run it on your local machine:

# Install libraries
conda install python=3.7 flask redis celery statsmodels bwa samtools=1.10 bcftools=1.10 parallel freebayes>=1.3.5 gatk4 bedtools samclip delly=0.8.7 snpEff plotly weasyprint
pip install neo4j redis tqdm requests flask_sqlalchemy flask_login flask_session flask_wtf email_validator

python setup.py install

# Run flask
export FLASK_APP=tbdr
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

# Run rabbit-mq server

# Run celery
celery -A tbdr.worker worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=1